Andrew Grant

All Stories by Andrew Grant

  1. Physics

    Superfast laser pulses could pave way for beam weapons

    Short light bursts turn columns of air into energy conduits.

  2. Physics

    Laser tweezers manipulate objects just 50 nanometers wide

    Technique could allow scientists to move proteins, viruses and nanomaterials.

  3. Physics

    Quantum droplet discovered

    Electrons and holes gather to form a tiny, liquidlike particle.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Quantum timekeeping

    Recent advances in controlling the quantum behavior of particles have inspired physicists to dream of a global clock that would tell the same time everywhere. It would be hundreds of times as accurate as current atomic clocks.

  5. Astronomy

    While exploding, supernovas not spherical

    X-rays reveal uneven allotment of element made by blowup.

  6. Physics

    Levitating objects with sound

    Physicists have levitated milli­meter-sized objects. Now, the objects can levitate and move in all directions.

  7. Physics

    Getting warmer in attempt to reach ignition

    Fusion energy output hits modest milestone at National Ignition Facility.

  8. Particle Physics

    Single-pole magnet emerges in frozen concoction

    An experiment has simulated the long-sought magnetic particle.

  9. Physics

    Laser builds mirror by pushing beads together

    The light technique may one day be used to build giant telescopes in space.

  10. Astronomy

    Kepler’s surprise: Planet hunter also found supernovas

    NASA's now-defunct Kepler space telescope captured five stellar explosions as they happened.

  11. Astronomy

    Enormous cosmic lens magnifies supernova

    Galaxy warps light of distant exploding star, greatly increasing its brightness.

  12. Astronomy

    Earth-mass planet resembles a mini-Neptune

    KOI-314c, an exoplanet 200 light-years away, is about 60 percent larger than Earth but made mostly of gas.