Andrew Grant

All Stories by Andrew Grant

  1. Astronomy

    Exoplanets once trumpeted as life-friendly may not exist

    Two exoplanets considered among the most promising for hosting life may not exist, a new study suggests.

  2. Astronomy

    NASA unveils space suit fit for Mars

    NASA’s newly revealed Z-2 space suit is the second mock-up of a suit that NASA hopes will eventually protect explorers walking on Mars or drilling into an asteroid.

  3. Science & Society

    Weapon inspection scheme would test for nukes but keep designs secret

    Technique borrowed from computer science could improve weapon verification and encourage countries to agree to nuclear disarmament.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Commercial quantum computer fails to impress in new test

    Fifteen million dollar D-Wave machine runs no faster than traditional computer in head-to-head challenge.

  5. Physics

    Supercooled liquid water hits record low

    Weird supercooled water well below its freezing point viewed with ultrafast laser.

  6. Physics

    Energy-efficient laser works at room temperature

    A room-temperature polariton laser, which requires little electricity, could improve electronics and medical devices.

  7. Materials Science

    New invisibility cloak hides in the fog

    A simple invisibility cloak relies on hazy environments to mask objects.

  8. Particle Physics

    Proton’s magnetic properties pinned down

    A precise measurement of a proton’s magnetic properties could help reveal subtle differences between matter and antimatter.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Quantum cryptography could shed test for hackers

    An added protection of a proposed quantum cryptography method makes eavesdropping nearly impossible.

  10. Particle Physics

    Proposed experiment would create matter from light

    Photon collider would convert light into electrons and positrons.

  11. Cosmology

    The mysterious boundary

    A debate has arisen over whether an astronaut passing a black hole’s point of no return would get stretched to death or flash-fried. Resolving the controversy may lead to new insights about gravity and more.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Next-gen quantum teleportation in just 2 photons

    Researchers teleport quantum information between two photons instead of the standard three.