Andrew Grant

All Stories by Andrew Grant

  1. Cosmology

    Gamma rays offer mixed messages on identity of dark matter

    Conflicting results from Fermi telescope puzzle astronomers about dark matter’s true identity.

  2. Physics

    Magnetic detector identifies single protons

    An MRI-like machine can scan an individual proton, raising prospects that a similar technique could eventually image biological molecules one by one.

  3. Physics

    Laser tractor beam tugs on beads

    A new experiment is the first to construct a tractor beam that can pull objects over long distances with light.

  4. Physics

    Perfect fluid of electrons may flow inside superconductor

    Understanding superconductors’ viscosity could help inspire scientists to find ways to improve the electric power grid.

  5. Cosmology

    ‘The Theory of Everything’ reveals Stephen Hawking’s personal side

    A new film explores love and science in the life of physicist Stephen Hawking.

  6. Particle Physics

    New particle could help physicists understand subatomic glue

    A newfound particle will allow scientists to probe the universe’s strongest force.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Hawking radiation spotted within sonic black hole

    Lab-created sonic black hole emits energy as famed physicist Stephen Hawking predicted, though the experiment may not be definitive.

  8. Science & Society

    Nobels go to maps, LEDs, microscopy

    The 2014 Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine went to discoveries that defy single-discipline labels.

  9. Materials Science

    Blue LEDs win Nobel Prize in physics

    Light-emitting diodes have led to more energy-efficient bulbs that are elbowing out incandescents.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Photons on roundabout route could get caught in action

    Proposed twist on classic double-slit experiment could identify light that weaves in and out.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Quasiparticles help physicists make sense of the world

    To improve semiconductors, superconductors and other materials, physicists view a particle and its surroundings as one entity.

  12. Physics

    Signal of elusive Majorana particle emerges in a nanowire

    New evidence supports existence of exotic Majorana particle — a particle that is its own antiparticle.