Biomedical writer Aimee Cunningham is on her second tour at Science News. From 2005 to 2007, she covered chemistry, environmental science, biology and materials science for Science News.  Between stints Aimee was a freelance writer for outlets such as NPR and Scientific American Mind. She has a degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in science journalism from New York University. She received the 2019 Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism from the Endocrine Society for the article "Hormone replacement makes sense for some menopausal women."

All Stories by Aimee Cunningham

  1. Health & Medicine

    In a first, an Ebola vaccine wins approval from the FDA

    U.S. approval of Ervebo, already deployed in an ongoing Ebola outbreak in Congo, bolsters efforts to prepare for future potential spread of the disease.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Vaping’s dangers loom large amid more than 50 U.S. deaths this year

    Lung injuries and deaths linked to vaping in 2019 are a sobering indication of the dangers of e-cigarettes as teen use continues to rise.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Measles got a foothold in the United States this year and almost didn’t let go

    Areas of low vaccination are blamed for the United States' largest number of measles cases in more than 25 years.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Scientists’ brains shrank a bit after an extended stay in Antarctica

    The experience of an isolated, long-term mission at an Antarctic research station slightly shrunk a part of crew members’ brains, a small study finds.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Medications alone work as well as surgery for some heart disease patients

    Patients with stable ischemic heart disease may be able to avoid stents or bypass surgery with medications alone.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Dengue cases in the Americas have reached an all-time high

    There have been more dengue cases in the Americas this year than ever before, according to the Pan American Health Organization.

  7. Health & Medicine

    For people with HIV, undetectable virus means untransmittable disease

    HIV outreach and care in Washington, D.C., reveals the struggles and successes of getting drugs into the hands of those who need them.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Drug-resistant microbes kill about 35,000 people in the U.S. per year

    The latest CDC report on drug-resistant microbes finds that these pathogens infect close to 3 million people in the United States each year.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin E acetate is a culprit in the deadly vaping outbreak, the CDC says

    Researchers detected vitamin E oil in all samples of lung fluid from 29 patients suffering from lung injuries tied to e-cigarettes.

  10. Health & Medicine

    A new dengue vaccine shows promise — at least for now

    The latest vaccine against dengue shows promise in protecting children from the disease, but will need longer term study to ensure kids are safe from future infections.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Nearly 1,300 injuries and 29 deaths in the U.S. have been tied to vaping

    As the investigation continues, health officials expect multiple causes will be behind the ever-growing number of vaping-related lung injuries.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Discovery of how cells sense oxygen wins the 2019 medicine Nobel

    Understanding the molecular switch that lets cells cope with oxygen has implications for everything from metabolism to wound healing.