Biomedical writer Aimee Cunningham is on her second tour at Science News. From 2005 to 2007, she covered chemistry, environmental science, biology and materials science for Science News.  Between stints Aimee was a freelance writer for outlets such as NPR and Scientific American Mind. She has a degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in science journalism from New York University. She received the 2019 Award for Excellence in Science and Medical Journalism from the Endocrine Society for the article "Hormone replacement makes sense for some menopausal women."

All Stories by Aimee Cunningham

  1. Chemistry

    Scrubbing troubles

    Triclosan, an antibacterial agent found in many soaps, may increase a person's exposure to a potentially toxic chemical.

  2. Tech

    Unlocking the Gaits: Robot tests locomotion switch

    A blocky, bright-yellow robot that would look at home in a toy chest moves like a salamander, just as its inventors intended.

  3. Earth

    Traces of Trouble

    Scientists and engineers are investigating how to stem the flow of naturally-occurring and synthetic estrogens that, when released from waste water treatment plants and livestock operations, can harm aquatic life.

  4. Earth

    Equal Opportunity Outcome: Different pollutants show same impact

    At concentrations present in the environment, each of three dissimilar toxic agents can seize control of a signaling pathway that regulates developing cells in the central nervous system.

  5. Chemistry

    Lighting up for uranium

    A portable sensor could make it possible to rapidly detect environmental uranium contamination.

  6. Bacteria go for a spin

    Researchers may have found the mechanism powering a mysterious gliding motion in bacteria.

  7. Tech

    Transferred Touch: Sensory rewiring to improve prosthetics

    Transferring a lost limb's nerves to other areas of the body might one day permit an amputee to feel the heat of a coffee cup with an artificial hand.

  8. Earth

    Disaster’s Consequences: Hurricane’s legacy includes arsenic

    Construction debris strewn across the Gulf Coast by Hurricane Katrina contains a disturbing amount of arsenic that could contaminate groundwater if not properly managed.

  9. Plastics ingredient disrupts fetal-egg development

    A common estrogen-mimicking chemical can damage eggs while an animal is still in the womb.

  10. Chemistry

    Magnet makeover

    A new family of magnets may be a first step toward organic versions of the familiar metal objects.

  11. Materials Science

    Savvy Skins

    Researchers are developing new coatings that incorporate multiple functions, offer chemical reactivity, or act in response to stimuli in the environment.

  12. Tech

    Tracking nanotubes in mice

    Carbon nanotubes can target tumors in mice.