
  1. Health & Medicine

    Choosing white or whole-grain bread may depend on what lives in your gut

    Gut microbes determine how people’s blood sugar levels respond to breads.

  2. Climate

    Changing climate could worsen foods’ nutrition

    Climate change could aggravate hidden hunger by sapping micronutrients from soils and plants, reducing nutrition in wheat, rice and other crops.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Poor diet in pregnancy, poor heart health for infants

    Moms who eat too little during pregnancy could have babies with heart risks.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Sugar industry sought to sugarcoat causes of heart disease

    Sugar industry has long, sweet history of influencing science.

  5. Health & Medicine

    No one-fits-all healthy diet exists

    Mice’s response to diet varies with their genes.

  6. Life

    Racing for answers on Zika

    In the latest issue of Science News, Editor in Chief Eva Emerson talks Zika virus, microbes, nutrition and mental health.

  7. Animals

    Eat your stinkbugs

    Prepared as a snack by some groups in southern Africa, the stinkbug Encosternum delegorguei is a good source of protein and antioxidants.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New dietary guidelines emphasize big picture

    Americans’ new guidelines for healthy eating focus on subtle shifts to dietary habits.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A good diet for you may be bad for me

    Eating the same foods can produce very different reactions in people.

  10. Chemistry

    Nanoparticles in foods raise safety questions

    As scientists cook up ways to improve palatability and even make foods healthier, some are considering the potential health risks of tiny additives.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Coffee reveals itself as an unlikely elixir

    Coffee is earning a reputation as a health tonic, reducing risk for a long list of ailments and even lowering death rates.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Microbes make the meal, new diet book proposes

    Researcher Tim Spector skewers conventional thinking about weight loss in ‘The Diet Myth’
