From Science News Letter, July 5, 1958
By Science News
DEVICE PAGES DOCTORS — A pocket radio that whistles to let you know somebody is trying to reach you by telephone is part of a page-you-anywhere telephone system undergoing tests in the Allentown-Bethlehem, Pa., area. Doctors, lawyers and other persons who must maintain immediate and economical contact with their offices can be signaled anywhere in the two-city area, C. R. Kraus, Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, told scientists at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers meeting in Buffalo, N. Y. The system … was described as an improvement over similar services now in use or planned by telephone companies. When using the small pocket signaler … a customer does not need to remain near his automobile to be paged by radio-telephone, nor does he have to listen, at frequent intervals, through a long list of names being paged before he hears his own.