***Notice to Subscribers in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina***
By Science News
We at Science News express our strong concern and extend our deepest sympathy to those who are suffering through the ongoing ordeal caused by Hurricane Katrina.
The U.S. Postal Service has asked magazine publishers to suspend subscription mailings to areas that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Science News subscribers in those areas won’t be charged for issues that are withheld, and their subscriptions will be extended. Mailings will resume upon notification by the USPS that delivery is reinstated.
The zip codes for which mailings remain suspended begin with 395, 700, and 701 (as of Sept. 21, 2005).
Despite suspension of mail service, all Science News subscribers will continue to have access to the magazine online. If you need help accessing the full online version, please call 1-800-552-4412.
For a collection of past Science News articles on hurricanes, flooding, and the Gulf Coast and New Orleans, go to https://www.sciencenews.org/pages/katrina.asp.