
  1. Planetary Science

    Odysseus’ historic moon mission comes to an end

    Odysseus downloaded data from all payloads before going to sleep February 28. The cold lunar night proved fatal to efforts to reawaken the lunar lander.

  2. Genetics

    A genetic parasite may explain why humans and other apes lack tails

    Around 25 million years ago, a stretch of DNA inserted itself into an ancestral ape’s genome, an event that might have taken our tails away.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    Why large language models aren’t headed toward humanlike understanding

    Unlike people, today's generative AI isn’t good at learning concepts that it can apply to new situations.

  4. Animals

    The Brazilian flea toad may be the world’s smallest vertebrate

    Brazilian flea toads are neither a flea nor a toad, but they are almost flea-sized. The frogs are small enough to fit on a pinkie fingernail.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Snake venom toxins can be neutralized by a new synthetic antibody

    A lab-made protein protected mice from lethal doses of paralyzing toxins found in a variety of snakes, a new study reports.

  6. Plants

    On hot summer days, this thistle is somehow cool to the touch

    In hot Spanish summers, the thistle Carlina corymbosa is somehow able to cool itself substantially below air temperature.

  7. Math

    How two outsiders tackled the mystery of arithmetic progressions

    Computer scientists made progress on a decades-old puzzle in a subfield of mathematics known as combinatorics.

  8. Plants

    Ancient trees’ gnarled, twisted shapes provide irreplaceable habitats

    Traits that help trees live for hundreds of years also foster forest life, one reason why old growth forest conservation is crucial.

  9. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, computers helped speed up drug discovery

    In 1974, a computer program helped researchers search for promising cancer drugs. Today, AI is helping speed up drug discovery.

  10. Astronomy

    JWST spies hints of a neutron star left behind by supernova 1987A

    Signs of highly ionized atoms in dusty clouds at SN 1987A’s explosion site suggest a powerful source of X-rays — likely a neutron star — lurks within.

  11. Space

    The first U.S. lunar lander since 1972 touches down on the moon

    Odysseus, the first spacecraft to land on the moon since NASA’s Apollo 17, ended up tipped on its side but it appears to be operating OK.

    By and
  12. Health & Medicine

    The United States was on course to eliminate syphilis. Now it’s surging

    Science News spoke with expert Allison Agwu about what’s driving the surge and how we can better prevent the disease.
