
  1. Science & Society

    History buffs will dig these 5 science stories from 2023

    This year, new science threw the lives (and deaths) of Beethoven and other historical figures into sharp relief.

  2. Physics

    Invisible comet tails of mucus slow sinking flakes of ‘marine snow’

    New measurements reveal the gunk that surrounds the particles, an important factor in understanding how the ocean sequesters carbon.

  3. Math

    Here are some astounding scientific firsts of 2023

    Notable feats include discovering a planet-eating star, extracting RNA from an extinct animal and more.

  4. Climate

    3 Antarctic glaciers show rapidly accelerated ice loss from ocean warming

    Destabilized by ocean waves and vanishing sea ice, Antarctica’s Hektoria glacier lost 25 kilometers of ice in 16 months — a possible hint of what’s to come.

  5. Animals

    Here are 5 questions about the mystery dog illness making news

    Experts suspect a perfect storm of conditions, rather than a new bug, is what’s driving “atypical kennel cough” cases in dogs across the United States.

  6. Climate

    COP28 nations agreed to ‘transition’ from fossil fuels. That’s too slow, experts say

    COP28 ended with a historic climate agreement to begin moving away from fossil fuels, but stopped short of mandating phasing them out.

  7. Earth

    Here are some big-if-true scientific claims that made headlines in 2023

    Hominid cannibalism, “dark stars,” the secrets of Earth’s core and more tantalizing findings will require more evidence before scientists can confirm them as fact.

  8. Oceans

    Ocean heat waves often lurk out of sight

    About 1 in 3 marine heat waves occur below the surface, a new study reports, suggesting these harmful events are more common than previously thought.

  9. Animals

    When do cats play fetch? When they feel like it 

    Most cats that play fetch picked it up on their own, a study of cat owners suggests. The felines tend to dictate when a fetching session begins and ends.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Here are some of the biggest medical advances in 2023

    The first CRISPR gene-editing therapy, a new Alzheimer’s drug and RSV vaccines were among the big developments in medicine this year.

  11. Astronomy

    A bar of stars at the center of the Milky Way looks surprisingly young

    The ages and locations of metal-rich stars in the galaxy suggest the Milky Way’s central bar finished forming just a few billion years ago.

  12. Animals

    A new species of hedgehog stands out for its short spikes

    At first, the eastern forest hedgehog was mistaken for its cousin. Dental and DNA analyses eventually confirmed the critter is a species new to science.
