
  1. Oceans

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents more abundant than thought

    Ecosystem-supporting hydrothermal vents are much more abundant along the ocean floor than previously thought.

  2. Physics

    More events needed to pin down gravitational waves backstory

    As more black hole collisions are found, researchers hope to piece together how and where these destructive duos form.

  3. Astronomy

    Bulging stars mess with planet’s seasons

    On planets orbiting rapidly rotating stars, the seasons can get a little strange.

  4. Archaeology

    Lidar maps vast network of Cambodia’s hidden cities

    Laser survey unveils the extent, and the mystery, of Southeast Asia’s Khmer Empire

  5. Microbes

    Thaw tests turn up dicey bagged ice

    Tests of bagged ice found that 19 percent exceeded recommended thresholds for bacterial contamination.

  6. Space

    Readers weigh in on ET and the meaning of life

    Reader feedback from the June 25, 2016, issue of Science News

  7. Science & Society

    On a mission for science, on Jupiter and on Earth

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses promoting science and the new sponsor of the Science Talent Search.

  8. Tech

    Monitoring online groups offers insight into ISIS attacks

    Targeting online groups may be key to limiting the digital reach of ISIS.

  9. Neuroscience

    Cocaine addicts can’t kick other habits either

    Habitual users tend to get stuck in nondrug-related habits more easily, too, pointing to a potential strategy for treatment

  10. Health & Medicine

    Mosquito spit can increase dengue severity

    By weakening blood vessels, mosquito saliva may make dengue fever more severe in some cases.

  11. Neuroscience

    Properly timed exercise aids memory

    Well-timed exercise strengthens memories.

  12. Planetary Science

    Juno is closing in on Jupiter

    After 5 years of travel, Juno will soon reach Jupiter and begin its up close investigations of the giant planet.
