To douse hot hives, honeybee colonies launch water squadrons
The whole superorganism of a honeybee colony has sophisticated ways of cooling down.
By Susan Milius -
Electrons have potential for mutual attraction
Electrons usually repel each other, but new research shows pairs of electrons can be attracted due to their repulsion from other electrons.
New brain map most detailed yet
By combining different types of data, researchers have drawn a new detailed map of the human brain.
Health & Medicine
Anesthesia steals consciousness in stages
Brains regions that are synchronized when awake stop communicating as monkeys drift off.
Swapping analogous genes no problem among species
Many genes are interchangeable between yeast, bacteria, plants and humans.
Kepler tally grows: 104 more exoplanets confirmed
Kepler space telescope adds another 104 planets to its growing census of worlds in our galaxy.
Herbicide no match for fruit flies’ gut microbes
Friendly gut bacteria team up to break down herbicide that might otherwise harm fruit flies.
Health & Medicine
No one-fits-all healthy diet exists
Mice’s response to diet varies with their genes.
Scientists throw a curve at knuckleball explanation
Wildly swerving pitches may be the result of a phenomenon known as a “drag crisis”
Science & Society
GM mosquitoes succeed at reducing dengue, company says
GM mosquito releases in Brazil have helped cut dengue cases 91 percent in a year.
By Susan Milius