In drought, zebra finches wring water from their own fat
A zebra finch with no water or food can keep itself hydrated by metabolizing body fat.
By Susan Milius -
Greenland may be home to Earth’s oldest fossils
Dating to 3.7 billion years ago, mounds of sediment called stromatolites found in Greenland may be the oldest fossilized evidence of life on Earth.
New Alzheimer’s drug shows promise in small trial
A much-anticipated Alzheimer’s drug shows promise in a new trial, but experts temper hope with caution.
Brain’s blood appetite grew faster than its size
Over evolutionary time, the energy demands of hominid brains increased faster than their volume, a new study finds.
Radio signal probably not from extraterrestrials
A possible radio signal from extraterrestrials probably originated a lot closer to home.
Dog brains divide language tasks much like humans do
Dogs understand what we say separately from how we say it.
Health & Medicine
Tasmanian devils evolve resistance to contagious cancer
Tasmanian devils are evolving resistance to a deadly contagious cancer.
Fossil autopsy claims Lucy fell from tree
A contested study suggests a famous fossil ancestor plunged to her death.
By Bruce Bower -
Bacteria-sized molecules created in lab
Cesium atoms with high-energy electrons pair up to form giant molecules.
Planetary Science
Spacecraft reveal diversity in solar system’s landscapes
The latest generation of interplanetary spacecraft have revealed diverse landscapes on planets, asteroids and comets throughout the solar system.
Planetary Science
Venus once possibly habitable, study suggests
Venus might have once been habitable and home to a shallow ocean.