
  1. Oceans

    Atlantic monument is home to unique and varied creatures

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean.

  2. Neuroscience

    Nerve cell migration after birth may explain infant brain’s flexibility

    A large group of neurons migrates into babies’ frontal lobes after birth.

  3. Psychology

    Chimps, other apes take mind reading to humanlike level

    In a first, apes show that they understand when others hold false beliefs.

  4. Earth

    Seismologists surprised by deep California quakes

    Small earthquakes detected along the Newport-Inglewood Fault originate from deeper underground than once thought possible.

  5. Plants

    Flower lures pollinators with smell of honeybee fear

    When it comes to attracting pollinators, one flower species catches more flies with honeybees.

  6. Chemistry

    Molecules for making nanomachines snare chemistry Nobel

    Nanochemists win Nobel prize for devising molecular machines

    By and
  7. Animals

    Eels may not take most direct route in epic ocean-crossing spawning runs

    European eels’ epic ocean migrations to spawn may include more peculiar routes and timing than thought.

  8. Science & Society

    Sometimes failure is the springboard to success

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses scientific discoveries that resulted from failures large and small.

  9. Physics

    A metallic odyssey, what’s causing sunspots and more reader feedback

    Metallic hydrogen, sunspot formation, salty desalination leftovers and more in reader feedback.

  10. Humans

    Animal hybrids may hold clues to Neandertal-human interbreeding

    The physical effects of interbreeding among animals may offer clues to Neandertals’ genetic mark on humans.

  11. Tech

    CT scans show first X-rayed mummy in new light

    An ancient Egyptian child became the first mummy to be X-rayed in 1896. Today, CT scans reveal new insights into the child’s life — and death.

  12. Tech

    XPRIZE launched new kind of space race, book recounts

    'How to Make a Spaceship' chronicles the XPRIZE challenge that helped ignite the private space industry.
