Health & Medicine
Oldest traces of smallpox virus found in child mummy
The oldest genetic evidence of smallpox comes from variola virus DNA found in a child mummy buried in a church crypt in Lithuania.
By Meghan Rosen -
Why crested penguins lay mismatched eggs
After long migratory swims, crested penguins lay one small and one larger egg.
By Susan Milius -
Third kind of quasicrystal found in Russian meteorite
A new quasicrystal found inside a Russian meteorite is the first ever found in nature before being synthesized in the lab.
Having an extra chromosome has a surprising effect on cancer
Extra chromosome copies may protect against, not cause, cancer.
Losing tropical forest might raise risks of human skin ulcers, deformed bones
Bacteria that cause Buruli ulcer in people flourish with tropical deforestation.
By Susan Milius -
Brain waves show promise against Alzheimer’s protein in mice
Flickers of light induce brain waves that wash amyloid-beta out of the brain, mouse study suggests.
Science & Society
Virtual reality raises real risk of motion sickness
New research confirms anecdotal reports that virtual reality headsets can cause motion sickness, and may affect women more than men.
By Betsy Mason -
Zippy new jumping bot catches air again and again
Leaping robot can bounce from floor to wall, parkour-style, and, like a bush baby, uses a “super-crouch” to get extra oomph out of jumps.
By Meghan Rosen -
Cell distress chemicals help embryos quickly heal
The chemicals trigger drawstring-like structures that help close wounds.
Bird plus goggles equals new insight into flight physics
Slow-flying parrotlet produces vortices that explosively break up.
First spider superdads discovered
Male spiders first known to give up solitary life for offspring care, often as a single parent.
By Susan Milius -
Quantum Physics
Cosmic test confirms quantum weirdness
Physicists used starlight to perform a cosmic Bell test.