
  1. Tech

    Rise of reusable rockets signals a new age of spaceflight

    Successful landings by SpaceX and Blue Origin raise the prospect of cheaper and more efficient spaceflight.

  2. Physics

    Shadows of two failed searches loom over physics

    Physicists are facing two failures this year with no detections of dark matter particles and no signs of supersymmetry from the Large Hadron Collider.

  3. Climate

    Glacier melting’s link to climate change confirmed

    The decades-long melting of glaciers is categorical evidence of climate change, a new study affirms.

  4. Tech

    Five challenges for self-driving cars

    Scientific and technical experts weigh in on the biggest hurdles for autonomous vehicles, and how ongoing research will help.

  5. Astronomy

    Magnetic stars could have created LIGO’s massive black holes

    Strong magnetic fields could provide a way for massive stars to create heavy black holes when they die.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Penicillin allergy? Think again.

    Most people are either mislabeled with a penicillin allergy or get over it with time, and doctors don’t always think to check.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Microcephaly cases surge in Colombia following rise in Zika infections

    More than 400 cases of microcephaly have been reported in Colombia this year, months after Zika virus infections peaked in the country.

  8. Paleontology

    Dinosaur tail preserved in amber, with feathers

    The tail of a dinosaur trapped in amber includes both feathers and identifiable bits of bone.

  9. Life

    Cells avoiding suicide may play role in spread of cancer

    A newly discovered process can pull cells back from the brink of death.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Vacuum’s quantum effect on light detected

    Light can be polarized through interactions with empty space.

  11. Genetics

    Epigenetic marks may help assess toxic exposure risk — someday

    Exposure to things in the environment may change chemical tags on DNA and proteins, but it’s still unclear how to use that data to assess health risks.

  12. Life

    Early RNA may have used isolation strategy to defeat useless mutants

    Temporary barriers help RNA escape shorter, faster-replicating parasites
