- Neuroscience
Brain activity helps build an alpha male
In mice, nerve cells in the prefrontal cortex influence whether an individual is dominant or submissive.
- Climate
Rising temperatures may mean fewer passengers on airplane flights
Global warming could force airplanes to carry a lighter load — and fewer passengers —on each flight.
- Earth
Delaware-sized iceberg breaks off Antarctic ice shelf
An iceberg about the size of Delaware splintered from the Larsen C ice shelf in one of the largest calving events ever recorded.
- Astronomy
Teensy star vies for title of smallest known
A Saturn-sized star is one of the smallest yet discovered.
- Astronomy
Astronomers get glimpse of star 9 billion light-years away
A bright blue star sends its light from two-thirds of the way across the universe, thanks to a chance alignment with a galaxy cluster.
- Health & Medicine
The fight against gonorrhea gets a potential new weapon: a vaccine
A vaccine used in New Zealand to curb meningitis also appeared to drop gonorrhea infections, results that hint at a way to make a gonorrhea vaccine.
- Neuroscience
Just one night of poor sleep can boost Alzheimer’s proteins
Deep sleep may prevent the buildup of Alzheimer’s proteins.
- Genetics
How a crop-destroying fungus mutated to infect wheat
Study details how wheat got a new pathogen called blast fungus.
- Health & Medicine
Drinking sugary beverages in pregnancy linked to kids’ later weight gain
Consuming sugary drinks while pregnant may mean kids are heavier when they reach elementary school age.
- Anthropology
Fossil tooth pushes back record of mysterious Neandertal relative
A Denisovan child’s fossil tooth dates to at least 100,000 years ago, researchers say.
By Bruce Bower - Particle Physics
Newfound particle relies on its charm(s)
First-of-its-kind subatomic particle is composed of two charm quarks and an up quark.
- Quantum Physics
China’s quantum satellite adds two new tricks to its repertoire
Satellite performs quantum teleportation and securely transmits encryption keys.