
  1. Climate

    Rising CO2 levels might not be as good for plants as we thought

    A 20-year experiment spots a reversal in the way two kinds of plants take up extra carbon from the atmosphere.

  2. Animals

    Male fruit flies enjoy ejaculation

    Red light exposure made some genetically engineered fruit flies ejaculate, spurring a surge of a brain reward compound — and less desire for booze.

  3. Anthropology

    A hole in an ancient cow’s skull could have been surgery practice

    Before performing skull operations on people, ancient surgeons may have rehearsed on cows.

  4. Physics

    How ravens caused a LIGO data glitch

    Ravens pecking at frosty pipes caused a glitch in gravitational wave data.

  5. Planetary Science

    This meteorite’s diamonds hint that it was born in a lost planet

    Bits of metal nestled inside diamonds suggest the space rock could have formed in a Mars-sized protoplanet in the early solar system.

  6. Tech

    Why touch can be such a creepy sensation in VR

    Touch sensation in VR can go from immersive to unnerving as the feeling gets more realistic, if you can’t see the source.

  7. Oceans

    Masses of shrimp and krill may play a huge role in mixing oceans

    Hoards of migrating shrimp and krill can cause large-scale turbulence in the ocean, a new study suggests.

  8. Animals

    These seals haven’t lost their land ancestors’ hunting ways

    Clawed pawlike forelimbs help true seals hunt like their land-dwelling ancestors.

  9. Archaeology

    This ancient Maya city may have helped the Snake King dynasty spread

    A rural hub in an ancient Maya state gets its due with some laser help.

  10. Science & Society

    Here’s why putting a missile defense system in space could be a bad idea

    Expanding missile defense capabilities could put the world on a slippery slope to space warfare.

  11. Materials Science

    A new plastic film glows to flag food contaminated with dangerous microbes

    Plastic patches that glow when they touch some types of bacteria could be built into food packaging to reduce the spread of foodborne illness.

  12. Archaeology

    Dogs lived and died with humans 10,000 years ago in the Americas

    Dogs unearthed at sites in Illinois were older than originally thought.
