
  1. Quantum Physics

    Douglas Stanford probes the chaos inside black holes

    Theoretical physicist Douglas Stanford is linking some of the most massive objects known to the quantum realm.

  2. Animals

    Jenny Tung wants to know how social stresses mess with genes

    Evolutionary anthropologist Jenny Tung is untangling the many health effects of life as a social animal.

  3. Science & Society

    Celebrating successes while examining failures

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses this year's 10 scientists to watch and the ups and downs of the scientific endeavor.

  4. Planetary Science

    Readers contemplate water on Mars and more

    Readers had questions about the significance of finding water on mars, air pollution from wildfires and spray-on sensors.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A new vaccine raises hopes of someday curbing the tuberculosis epidemic

    A new vaccine for those infected, but not sick, with tuberculosis reduced new active cases by 54 percent, compared with those given a placebo.

  6. Math

    Here’s why we care about attempts to prove the Riemann hypothesis

    The Riemann hypothesis could hold the key to understanding prime numbers.

  7. Animals

    This new fish species displays a splash of highlighter hues

    Researchers stumbled upon a new species of coral reef fish with spectacular coloration and a unique habitat.

  8. Astronomy

    Astronomers may have spotted the birth of a neutron star

    Scientists say they’ve witnessed a type of neutron star called a pulsar being born in the wake of a massive supernova for the first time.

  9. Planetary Science

    The first rovers to explore an asteroid just sent photos home

    Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft has deployed a pair of rovers to the surface of asteroid Ryugu.

  10. Neuroscience

    A paralyzed man makes great strides with spinal stimulation and rehab

    Researchers find success at restoring movement to paralyzed legs, giving hope to people with paraplegia.

  11. Genetics

    In lab tests, this gene drive wiped out a population of mosquitoes

    For the first time, a gene drive caused a population crash of mosquitoes in a small-scale test.

  12. Astronomy

    Japan has launched a miniature space elevator

    The Japanese space agency just launched a prototype space elevator to the International Space Station to test motion along a taut cable in space.
