
  1. Animals

    Gene editing can make chickens resistant to bird flu

    Chickens genetically modified to be impervious to avian influenza may one day prevent the spread of the disease on farms, a study suggests.

  2. Math

    An enduring Möbius strip mystery has finally been solved

    Playing with paper and scissors helped one mathematician figure out just how short the twisted loops can be.

  3. Microbes

    Watch: Recent microbial discoveries are changing our view of life on Earth

    Videos capture the strange movements and predatory styles of protists — among the closest microbial cousins to multicellular life.

  4. Math

    Non-Western art and design can reveal alternate ways of thinking about math

    Focusing on the relationship between math and culture can boost student learning and expand mathematical knowledge, researchers say.

  5. Physics

    Vela’s exploded star is the highest-energy pulsar ever seen

    A spinning dead star about 1,000 light-years away, in the constellation Vela, raises questions about how pulsars can emit such extreme radiation.

  6. Archaeology

    Human footprints in New Mexico really may be surprisingly ancient, new dating shows

    Two dating methods find that human tracks in White Sands National Park in New Mexico are roughly 22,000 years old, aligning with a previous estimate.

  7. Health & Medicine

    ‘Dormant’ HIV has ongoing skirmishes with the body’s immune system

    In people on HIV drugs, defective viral bits may still exhaust T cells, possibly making it harder to fight back if people go off the drugs.

  8. Life

    Hippos might be ferocious fighters, but their big teeth make them terrible chewers

    Among plant eaters, hippos are the worst chewers. Their huge tusks and front teeth keep the jaw from moving side to side to grind food, a study finds.

  9. Chemistry

    The development of quantum dots wins the 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry

    Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov split the prize for their work in creating nanoparticles whose properties depend on their size.

  10. Animals

    A global report finds amphibians are still in peril. But it’s not all bad news

    A survey of about 8,000 amphibian species provides the latest update on extinction risk trends stretching back to 1980.

  11. Physics

    Technique to see the ultrafast world of electrons wins 2023 physics Nobel

    Physicists Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier won for work creating light bursts that last billionths of a billionth of a second.

  12. Animals

    In noisy environs, pied tamarins are using smell more often to communicate

    Groups of the primate, native to Brazil, complement vocalizations with scent-marking behavior to alert other tamarins to dangers in their urban home.
