
  1. Genetics

    The history of heredity makes for a fascinating, and chilling, read

    From eugenics to gene editing, Carl Zimmer’s She Has Her Mother’s Laugh recounts genetics’ biggest discoveries.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Keeping people within U.S. blood pressure guidelines saves lives

    Big reductions in heart attacks, strokes and deaths may be possible under 2017 blood pressure guidelines.

  3. Particle Physics

    Dark matter particles elude scientists in the biggest search of its kind

    The XENON1T experiment saw no signs of hypothetical dark matter particles called WIMPs.

  4. Life

    Skeletons come in many shapes and sizes

    In Skeletons, two paleobiologists recount how and why skeletons evolved, as well as the variety of forms they take and the many purposes they serve.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Even in the shade, a car’s interior can get lethally hot

    A car’s interior can get lethally hot on summer days, even when it’s parked in the shade.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what we know about the deadly Nipah virus

    The deadly and rare Nipah virus has killed at least 11 people in southern India, causing concern among epidemiologists.

  7. Paleontology

    How birds may have escaped the dino-killing asteroid impact

    A tree-loving lifestyle became a risk for ancient birds in a world-changing catastrophe.

  8. Paleontology

    The Chicxulub asteroid impact might have set off 100,000 years of global warming

    About 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub asteroid impact set off 100,000 years of global warming, an analysis of oxygen in fish fossils suggests.

  9. Animals

    Pregnant bonobos get a little delivery help from their friends

    As in humans, female bonobos become helpers for mothers giving birth, data from captive apes suggest.

  10. Astronomy

    Plasma rain in the sun’s atmosphere falls in surprising places

    Scientists found rain in the sun’s corona where they didn’t expect it, which could help solve the mystery of why the corona is so hot.

  11. Climate

    As CO2 increases, rice loses B vitamins and other nutrients

    Field experiments add vitamins to list of nutrients at risk from a changing atmosphere.

  12. Tech

    Fleets of self-driving taxis could be choreographed to cut traffic

    Hive-minded self-driving cars could curb traffic congestion and vehicle pollution.
