
  1. Plants

    Smart plants can teach us a thing or two

    ‘The Revolutionary Genius of Plants’ challenges the brain-centered view of intelligence.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Here’s how many U.S. kids are vaping marijuana

    A new study suggests that nearly 1 in 11 middle and high school students in the United States has vaped marijuana, raising concerns about addiction.

  3. Life

    Here’s how clumps of honeybees may survive blowing in the wind

    Honeybees clumped on trees may adjust their positions to keep the cluster together when it’s jostled by wind, a new study suggests.

  4. Planetary Science

    The ghosts of nearly two dozen icy volcanoes haunt dwarf planet Ceres

    The slumped remains of 21 ice volcanoes suggest that the dwarf planet Ceres has been volcanically active for billions of years.

  5. Genetics

    A recount of human genes ups the number to at least 46,831

    A new estimate of the number of human genes adds in some RNA-producing genes.

  6. Ecosystems

    Confused mayflies wreak havoc on a Pennsylvania bridge

    Cleaning a river in central Pennsylvania brought back mayflies, which now pose a threat to motorists crossing a bridge.

  7. Physics

    Nuclear pasta in neutron stars may be the strongest material in the universe

    Simulations suggest that the theoretical substance known as nuclear pasta is 10 billion times as strong as steel.

  8. Animals

    ‘Poached’ offers a deep, disturbing look into the illegal wildlife trade

    In ‘Poached,’ a journalist reports from the front lines of the illegal wildlife trade and shows how conservationists are fighting back.

  9. Climate

    Here’s how climate change is fueling Hurricane Florence

    Scientists take a stab at predicting climate change’s influence on Hurricane Florence.

  10. Earth

    A new map reveals the causes of forest loss worldwide

    A new study shows where global forest loss is due to permanent deforestation versus short-term shifts in land use.

  11. Tech

    This flying robot could reveal secrets of the aerial world of insects

    A new winged robot with the exceptional agility of a fruit fly could lend insight into animal flight.

  12. Neuroscience

    Brain features may reveal if placebo pills could treat chronic pain

    Researchers narrow in on how to identify people who find placebos effective for treating persistent pain.
