
  1. Animals

    Green darner dragonflies migrate a bit like monarch butterflies

    Some dragonflies do a north-south annual migration that takes at least three generations.

  2. Quantum Physics

    ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What Is Real?’ try to make sense of quantum weirdness

    The books ‘Beyond Weird’ and ‘What is Real?’ have different perspectives on what quantum physics says about reality.

  3. Environment

    4 ways to tackle ocean trash besides Ocean Cleanup’s broken system

    Here are three approaches to reducing ocean pollution that might be more effective than a controversial plan to fish trash out of the Pacific.

  4. Physics

    High-speed video reveals physics tricks for shooting a rubber band

    To fire a rubber band flawlessly, use a wide band and don’t pull too hard, physicists suggest.

  5. Environment

    Satellites make mapping hot spots of ammonia pollution easier

    There’s a more accurate way to estimate ammonia emissions.

  6. Health & Medicine

    DNA tests of Lassa virus mid-outbreak helped Nigeria target its response

    New technology for analyzing genetic data quickly in the field guided how Nigeria dealt with an outbreak of Lassa fever in 2018.

  7. Physics

    The physics of fluids explains how crowds of marathon runners move

    A new liquid-inspired theory can predict the movements of marathoners lining up for a race.

  8. Agriculture

    A new way to genetically tweak photosynthesis boosts plant growth

    A new chemical road map for a process called photorespiration in plant cells could reduce energy waste to increase plant productivity.

  9. Planetary Science

    China just landed the first spacecraft on the moon’s farside

    China’s Chang’e-4 lander and rover just became the first spacecraft to land on the farside of the moon.

  10. Planetary Science

    New Horizons shows Ultima Thule looks like a snowman, or maybe BB-8

    Ultima Thule’s snowmanlike shape shows the New Horizons target was probably two space rocks that got stuck together.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A new implant uses light to control overactive bladders

    Experiments in rats show that a new soft device could help alleviate frequent, sudden urges to urinate.

  12. Anthropology

    This scientist watches meat rot to decipher the Neandertal diet

    This scientist is studying how meat changes as it rots to figure out what Neandertals might have eaten.
