
  1. Space

    Two new books explore Mars — and what it means to be human

    ‘Once Upon a Time I Lived on Mars’ and ‘The Sirens of Mars’ are surprisingly apt reads during the pandemic.

  2. Humans

    Competitive hot dog eaters may be nearing humans’ max eating speed

    Just how many hot dogs can one human eat in 10 minutes? New research suggests the answer is 83.

  3. Earth

    Agriculture and fossil fuels are driving record-high methane emissions

    Releases of the heat-trapping gas methane from human activities have ramped up in the 21st century, especially in Africa and Asia.

  4. Animals

    The ‘ratpocalypse’ isn’t nigh, according to service call data

    A new study shows that rat-related reports in New York City went down during COVID-19 lockdowns compared with previous years during March and April.

  5. Planetary Science

    How upcoming missions to Mars will help predict its wild dust storms

    Predicting the weather on Mars is essential for landing and keeping rovers — or astronauts — safe on the surface. The next Mars missions will give forecasts a boost.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Remdesivir may work even better against COVID-19 than we thought

    Gilead Sciences says remdesivir cuts the chances of dying from the coronavirus, and data show the drug can curb the virus’s growth in cells and mice.

  7. Archaeology

    This 1.4-million-year-old hand ax adds to Homo erectus’ known toolkit

    A newly described East African find, among the oldest bone tools found, shows the ancient hominids crafted a range of simple and more complex tools.

  8. Genetics

    A bacterial toxin enables the first mitochondrial gene editor

    Researchers have engineered a protein from bacteria that kills other microbes to change DNA in a previously inaccessible part of the cell.

  9. Physics

    The universe might have a fundamental clock that ticks very, very fast

    A theoretical study could help physicists searching for a theory of quantum gravity.

  10. Health & Medicine

    These cells slow an immune response. Derailing them could help fight tumors

    Immune therapies don’t work for a lot of cancer patients. Some researchers are enhancing these treatments with drugs that stymie suppressor cells.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A COVID-19 vaccine may come soon. Will the blistering pace backfire?

    Speed is essential, but not at the expense of safety and efficacy, experts warn. Sacrificing either could damage public trust.

  12. Neuroscience

    Boosting a liver protein may mimic the brain benefits of exercise

    Finding that liver-made proteins influence the brain may advance the quest for an “exercise pill” that can deliver the benefits of physical activity.
