Brain takes emotional sides for sexes
Men's and women's brains may adopt different approaches to fostering memories of emotional experiences.
By Bruce Bower -
When diabetics dismiss their treatment
Diabetics who retreat from close relationships in favor of self-reliance may have particular difficulty adhering to diabetes treatments if their physician communicates poorly with them.
By Bruce Bower -
Diesel gases masculinize fetal rodents
In rats, exposure to diesel exhaust perturbs pregnant moms’ sex-hormone production and makes her pups more masculine in certain ways.
By Janet Raloff - Tech
Simple system may curb auto emissions
Researchers have developed a four-component system that acts like an on-vehicle oil refinery and may help significantly reduce the hydrocarbon emissions from internal combustion engines.
By Sid Perkins - Astronomy
Peering at black holes: An eventful look
Two new studies provide supporting evidence for event horizons, the one-way membranes that surround black holes.
By Ron Cowen -
First gene-altered primate beats the odds
Oregon researchers have slipped a jellyfish gene into a rhesus monkey to create the first genetically modified primate.
By Susan Milius - Anthropology
Human ancestors had taste for termites
Incisions on ancient bone implements found in South Africa indicate that human ancestors gathered termites, a protein-rich food source, more than 1 million years ago.
By Bruce Bower - Tech
Technique puts more data into airwaves
A new approach that exploits the orientations of the electric and magnetic fields in radio waves may increase data flows to and from cell phones and other wireless devices by up to a factor of six.
By Peter Weiss - Math
Scheduled random walks skirt collisions
Researchers in theoretical computer science have made progress in settling the question of whether a clairvoyant scheduler can regulate the timing of moves by random walkers on a grid to keep them from ever colliding.
Protein May Tie Obesity to Diabetes
A newly discovered protein secreted by fat cells could be the link between obesity and type II diabetes.
By Nathan Seppa - Astronomy
Eerie Sounds of Space
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, approaching Jupiter, is detecting electromagnetic waves at low radio frequencies in the thin gas of charged particles that fills the space between the sun and its planets. Converting such waves into sound makes them eerily audible. Go to: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/acoustic/ and http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/english/press/scinews/scinews001230a.html
By Science News - Earth
Amazon basin is wetter now than in past
Sediments from the Atlantic Ocean indicate that the now lush Amazon Basin was much drier during the latest ice age.
By Sid Perkins