Repression tries for experimental comeback
A laboratory experiment finds that people have difficulty remembering words that they have intentionally tried to forget, providing support for Sigmund Freud's controversial concept of repression.
By Bruce Bower -
In the March 17 issue, there was an article about arsenic pollution disrupting hormone activity (“Arsenic pollution disrupts hormones”) and another article concerned with satellite verification of greenhouse-gas effects from increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane (“Satellites verify greenhouse-gas effects”). Ironically, that same week, President Bush recommended that more stringent arsenic standards be set […]
By Science News -
Arsenic Pollution Disrupts Hormones
Researchers have found that arsenic thwarts the action of glucocorticoid hormones, suggesting a possible explanation of how long-term exposure to the metal in drinking water could cause cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
By Linda Wang -
Phew! Orchid perfume turns revolting
Orchids that can smell so alluring that bees try to mate with them can also smell repulsive to the insects.
By Susan Milius -
Consumer survey: Caged mink value water
Even after 70 generations in captivity, caged American mink still seem to miss the swimming they would do in the wild.
By Susan Milius -
Materials Science
Crystals step up to a new surface
Researchers have made crystals that reversibly change their surface shape when hit by light.
Materials Science
SQUID can catch concealed corrosion
A new technology that can detect corrosion deep within aluminum aircraft parts has revealed that high concentrations of salt don't corrode hidden joints any more than low levels of salt.
Health & Medicine
Cancer cells have a ticket to ride
Cancer cells may spread using the same system that immune system cells use to move through the body.
Health & Medicine
Gene links eyelids and early menopause
A gene that orchestrates ovary and eyelid development may be the key to early-onset menopause.
Urchins of the Seas
If you haven’t really been paying attention for the last 450 million years or so of Earth’s history, London’s Natural History Museum offers a tidy way to catch up with a diverse, venerable group of marine invertebrates known as echinoids. Spectacular color images highlight important distinguishing characteristics of each type of sea urchin. Find out […]
By Science News -
As a university earth science professor, I view my son’s middle and high school science texts with horror. I see similar symptoms in the behavior of some of my undergraduate students. I view the problem as being an educational system in which, through high school, teachers are trained how to teach but not what. College […]
By Science News -
Errant Texts
New studies lambaste popular middle-school science texts for being uninspiring, superficial, and error-ridden.
By Janet Raloff