
  1. Astronomy

    A comet’s odd orbit hints at hidden planet

    Far beyond the solar system's nine known planets, a body as massive as Mars may once have been part of our planetary system, and it might still be there.

  2. Fungi slay insects and feed host plants

    Researchers are discovering that some plants get their nutrients by robbing nitrogen from the flesh of soil-dwelling insects.

  3. RNA world gets support as prelife scenario

    Scientists tinkering with a chemical now vital to life think they've recreated one of the central molecules that gave rise to the chemistry of life.

  4. 18924

    “Early Brazilians unveil African look” was a very interesting article containing an interesting idea. But some of us guessed the connection all along. Check out Olmec-age stones heads [in the Americas]. These images are African. However, it’s a good bet that migration came from both Asia and Africa. Gloria Harrison Raleigh, N.C.

  5. Anthropology

    Early Brazilians Unveil African Look

    Prehistoric human skulls found in Brazil share some traits with modern Africans, leading a Brazilian scientist to theorize that Africans rather than Asians first arrived in the Americas sometime before 11,000 years ago.

  6. Astronomy

    A Dark Force in the Universe

    Cosmologists are thinking dark thoughts about what kind of mystery force may be contorting the cosmos, pushing galaxies apart at a faster and faster rate.

  7. Do eggs go cuckoo under UV light?

    People don't see ultraviolet light but birds do, so studies of egg mimickry may need to stop relying so much on human vision.

  8. Gender-bending flowers spice forests

    In a newly discovered trick for avoiding self-pollination, ginger flowers take turns at gender roles, switching from female to male or vice versa in unison around lunchtime.

  9. Gray Matters

    Once believed to be a supporting cast, the brain cells called astrocytes appear to play important roles in many brain scenarios.

  10. Physics

    Surface reaction recorded in real time

    Ultrafast laser pulses may have for the first time revealed the incredibly rapid, step-by-step progress of a complete chemical reaction on a surface, at the actual speed at which it took place.

  11. 18923

    Regarding “Cold sliver may sense electron quiver,” micro-, nano-, and pico- are fine. But have mercy and explain zepto-! Joel Faitsch Pittsfield, Mass. The prefix zepto- refers to an amount represented by 10–21, or a billionth of a trillionth.–P. Weiss

  12. Physics

    Cold sliver may sense electron quiver

    By detecting vibrations of less than an atom's width of a tiny cantilever, physicists have made the most sensitive measurement of force ever by mechanical means.
