
  1. Parasitic Charms

    An extensive collection of photographs from around the world demonstrate the full weirdness of parasitic plants. For sheer size, try the Rafflesia, with buds the size of footballs and individual flowers that outsprawl a straw hat. For sci-fi charm, visit the fleshy Hydnora blooms reaching out of the dirt or the crusty lumps of Prosopanche […]

  2. World Science Fair

    Catch glimpses of people, activities, and projects at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, held May 5-11 in San Jose, Calif. A team of students from Mt. Diablo High School in Concord, Calif., created this site as events unfolded at the science fair, from project setup to presentation of the grand awards. Go to: […]

  3. From the May 9, 1931 issue

    PYTHON LIKES NEW HOME: LAYS CLUTCH OF EGGS One of the big pythons in the U.S. Zoological Park recently celebrated her transfer to the more comfortable and homelike quarters of the new reptile house there by laying a clutch of 20 eggs. The picture on the cover of this issue of the SCIENCE NEWS LETTER […]

  4. Math

    Lava Lamp Randomness

    Sealed within a transparent, tapered, liquid-filled cylinder, illuminated colored globs slowly rise and fall. Meandering and deforming, their shapes and paths change unpredictably. Invented in 1963, a decorative fixture in many homes during the 1970s, and still in production, Lava Lite lamps are now the object of renewed curiosity. Indeed, researchers have come up with […]

  5. Math

    Lava Lamp Randomness

    Sealed within a transparent, tapered, liquid-filled cylinder, illuminated colored globs slowly rise and fall. Meandering and deforming, their shapes and paths change unpredictably. Invented in 1963, a decorative fixture in many homes during the 1970s, and still in production, Lava Lite lamps are now the object of renewed curiosity. Indeed, researchers have come up with […]

  6. Health & Medicine

    Tamoxifen dilates arteries in men

    The breast cancer drug tamoxifen can widen a narrowed coronary artery in men with heart problems.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Long-term ecstasy use impairs memory

    Extended use of the illicit drug called MDMA or ecstasy exacerbated memory problems in users aged 17 to 31, none of whom reported alcohol dependence.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Peptide puts mouse arthritis out of joint

    A compound called vasointestinal peptide, which binds to immune system T cells and macrophages, thwarts arthritis in mice.

  9. Dolphins may seek selves in mirror images

    Dolphins apparently recognize their own reflections.

  10. For some birds, Mr. Wrong can be alright

    What looks like the ultimate bad choice in romance—a mate from a different species—in some conditions may not be so dumb after all.

  11. Astronomy

    Have scientists seen planets in the making?

    Astronomers may finally have glimpsed a key step in the construction of a planet.

  12. Earth

    Even low lead in kids has a high IQ cost

    Lead can damage a young child's ability to learn and reason at exposures far lower than the limit deemed acceptable by the U.S. government.
