
  1. Health & Medicine

    Memory may draw addicts back to cocaine

    The hippocampus may be the seat of powerful cravings for cocaine in rats and play a key role in drug-addiction relapse.

  2. Earth

    Lead Therapy Won’t Help Most Kids

    Removing lead from the blood fails to spare even moderately exposed children from cognitive impairments.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Fat may spur heart cells on to suicide

    Fat in the heart may kill cells and eventually lead to heart failure.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Virulent bacterium’s DNA is sequenced

    The completed genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus reveals transfers from other organisms of many of the antibiotic-resistance and virulence genes.

  5. Earth

    Pump up a plateau to make a monsoon

    Computer models show that the onset and strengthening of Asian monsoons over the past 8 million to 9 million years are strongly linked to various stages in the uplift of the Tibetan plateau.

  6. Earth

    Pacific Northwest stirred, not shaken

    Residents of the Pacific Northwest escaped the wrath of a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in the summer of 1999 because the ground movement of 20 centimeters along a deep fault occurred over a period of 6 to 15 days, not all at once.

  7. Earth

    Big Bergs Ahoy!

    Although the break-up of Antarctica's northernmost ice shelves has been linked to warmer temperatures in the area, the cause of the unusual number of large icebergs calving from the continent's southern ice shelves last year was likely not global warming.

  8. Physics

    Lead blocks may catch nuclear killer

    New measurements of neutron bursts from blocks of lead may help researchers solve a decades-old cosmic whodunit.

  9. Physics

    Maybe this watched pot already boiled

    Researchers smashing nuclei in hopes of producing a primordial state of matter called the quark-gluon plasma may have already made the stuff without realizing it.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Death of a theory

    Three separate analyses of oral polio vaccine used in the 1950s in Africa deflate the theory that such a vaccine could have ignited the AIDS epidemic by containing virus-infected chimpanzee cells.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Gene therapy cures blindness in dogs

    Gene therapy to replace a defective RPE65 gene succeeds in bringing sight to three blind dogs, suggesting such therapy might reverse Leber congenital amauosis, a rare condition in which children are blind from birth.

  12. Health & Medicine

    New anthrax treatment works in rats

    By distorting a protein in the toxin that makes the anthrax bacterium deadly, scientists have discovered a promising way to treat the disease and possibly even to prevent it with a vaccine.
