Health & Medicine
Alzheimer’s damage might start off early
Copper and free radicals may initiate the brain damage of Alzheimer's disease long before its hallmark protein plaques have formed.
Health & Medicine
Seemingly safer steroid mimics
A glucocorticoid mimic may offer the autoinflammatory effects of steroids with fewer side effects.
Health & Medicine
Saving fertility for cancer survivors?
A compound called sphingosine-1-phosphate preserves fertility in female mice given radiation treatment.
Women show the ways to maturity
A 39-year study finds three different patterns of healthy psychological development among women, each of which emphasizes particular goals and trade-offs.
By Bruce Bower -
I was surprised that the article “Dances with robots,” while mentioning Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers (1959, Putnam), should speak of “master-slave telerobotic devices.” As any fan of the dean of science fiction knows, these devices are most properly called Waldos. Mark Sicking Spring Shadow, Conn. I am reading Science News on this anniversary of our […]
By Science News -
Dances with Robots
Soldiers, rescue workers, and others may attain superhuman strength, speed, and endurance as a result of a new military program to develop powered robotic exoskeletons contoured to a person's body.
By Peter Weiss -
Health & Medicine
Glucose control spares arteries in diabetes
Very strict control of blood glucose concentrations helps limit atherosclerosis formation in people with type I, or juvenile-onset, diabetes.
By Nathan Seppa -
Condor chicks hatch in zoo and wild
Newly hatched California condor chicks indicate that reproduction is again taking place in the wild.
By Janet Raloff -
Math fears subtract from memory, learning
In a study of college students, high levels of anxiety about taking mathematics tests interfered with memory processes needed to perform difficult arithmetic problems.
By Bruce Bower -
Microbe lets mite dads perform virgin birth
A gender-bent mite—in which altered males give birth as virgins—turns out to be the first species discovered to live and reproduce with only one set of chromosomes.
By Susan Milius -
Ozone flares with fireworks festivities
Holiday fireworks and sparklers trigger ozone-generating chemical reactions in the lower atmosphere.