
  1. 18958

    The study in “Marijuana may boost heart attack risk” appears to be more about the effects of smoking and deep inhalation than a useful examination of the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, which is what marijuana smokers seek. The report makes it sound as though this active ingredient is the cause of the marginal increase in heart […]

  2. Health & Medicine

    Marijuana may boost heart attack risk

    Marijuana seems to heighten the risk of heart attack in some people during the hour after which it is smoked.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Arthritis drug succeeds vs. psoriasis

    People with the skin disorder psoriasis respond well to infliximab, a drug normally given to arthritis patients.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Insulin shots fail to prevent diabetes

    Insulin injections failed to prevent type I, or juvenile-onset, diabetes from developing in children and young adults predisposed to the disease.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Does lack of sleep lead to diabetes?

    Lack of sleep makes healthy adults somewhat resistant to the effects of the hormone insulin, suggesting it could predispose people toward type II, or adult-onset, diabetes.

  6. Earth

    The Silence of the Bams

    If a nuclear explosion were set off in a cavity of the right size and shape, even a moderate-sized nuclear bomb might appear at long distances to be no bigger than a routine explosion used in mining.

  7. Earth

    Atlanta leaves big chemical footprint

    A new analysis of water quality downstream of Atlanta shows that some pollutants from the city are still detectable in the river more than 500 kilometers away.

  8. 18957

    The article says, “Logging and burning for agriculture currently claim about 1 percent of the Amazon rain forest per year.” This simply is not true. We have been hearing this and even more alarming “statistics” about Amazon deforestation for more than 20 years. Yet NASA Landsat images show that little more than 10 percent of […]

  9. Earth

    Amazon forest could disappear, soon

    A new model that includes a forest's effect on regional climate shows that the Amazon rainforest could disappear in the next three decades, much more rapidly than previously expected.

  10. Math

    Pursuing Pursuit Curves

    A pursuit curve is the path an object takes when chasing another object. Such a path might result from a fox pursuing a rabbit or a missile seeking a moving target. This set of superimposed “snapshots” shows the lines of sight at regular intervals of four “bugs” chasing one another, all moving at the same […]

  11. Kelp! Kelp!

    We can’t see this forest for the seas, but several Web sites offer colorful introductions to the variety and complexity of kelp forests. The State University of New York at Stony Brook site presents a photo album of different kelp forests. The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary pages summarize the ecology of these complex ecosystems. […]

  12. From the July 11, 1931, issue

    HOT WAVES BRING NORTHWEST GRASSHOPPER INVASION MENACE Grasshopper outbreaks in Nebraska and South Dakota may be only the advance guards of a much worse and more widespread insect horde to arrive before very long if hot waves continue to sweep the country. So say entomologists of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The coming of these […]
