
  1. Materials Science

    SQUID can catch concealed corrosion

    A new technology that can detect corrosion deep within aluminum aircraft parts has revealed that high concentrations of salt don't corrode hidden joints any more than low levels of salt.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Cancer cells have a ticket to ride

    Cancer cells may spread using the same system that immune system cells use to move through the body.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Gene links eyelids and early menopause

    A gene that orchestrates ovary and eyelid development may be the key to early-onset menopause.

  4. Urchins of the Seas

    If you haven’t really been paying attention for the last 450 million years or so of Earth’s history, London’s Natural History Museum offers a tidy way to catch up with a diverse, venerable group of marine invertebrates known as echinoids. Spectacular color images highlight important distinguishing characteristics of each type of sea urchin. Find out […]

  5. Humans

    Errant Texts

    New studies lambaste popular middle-school science texts for being uninspiring, superficial, and error-ridden.

  6. 18909

    As a university earth science professor, I view my son’s middle and high school science texts with horror. I see similar symptoms in the behavior of some of my undergraduate students. I view the problem as being an educational system in which, through high school, teachers are trained how to teach but not what. College […]

  7. Learning in Waves

    Learning plays a largely unappreciated role in mental development, according to researchers who examine the variety of tactics children adopt as they attempt to solve problems in mathematics and other areas.

  8. 18907

    About the Hippocratic Oath, as quoted in “I do solemnly swear . . .,” “first, do not harm” is not in it, although it has been said so dozens of times. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary‘s version of the oath states “. . . never do harm to anyone.” “First, do no harm” (Primum non nocere) […]

  9. Humans

    I do solemnly swear. . .

    An international science organization is surveying codes of ethics from around the world as a first step towards considering whether scientists globally need an analog of the Hippocratic Oath.

  10. Humans

    High court gives EPA a partial victory

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency can implement tougher controls on tiny airborne particulates that can get deep inside people's lungs.

  11. Paleontology

    Jumbled bones show birds on the menu

    A fossilized pellet of partially digested bones of juvenile and baby birds provides the first evidence that birds served as food for predators.

  12. Paleontology

    First brachiosaur tooth found in Asia

    A fossil tooth found along a dinosaur trackway in South Korea is the first evidence that brachiosaurs roamed Asia.
