
  1. Radioactive antibodies on the mind

    Injecting radioactive antibodies directly into the cavity left after a brain tumor is surgically removed lengthened patients' lives by as much as 40 weeks in a recent study.

  2. Knotty DNA offers cancer-drug target

    Agents that bind to knots in the normally linear DNA sequence seem to prevent the expression of cancer-causing genes.

  3. Paleontology

    Rocks yield clues to flower origins

    A distinctive organic chemical related to substances produced by modern flowering plants has been found in ancient fossil-bearing sediments, possibly helping to identify the ancestral plants that gave rise to flowers.

  4. Paleontology

    Fake fossil not one but two new species

    A supposed missing link between dinosaurs and birds that was first unveiled in 1999, and revealed to be a forgery soon thereafter, was actually cobbled together from parts of animals from two new species.

  5. Anticancer mineral works best in food

    Selenium's anticancer benefits may depend on ingestion of the mineral in food, not as a purified dietary supplement.

  6. Keeping antioxidants may spare gut

    Inflammatory bowel disease may initially be triggered by chemical reactions that deplete affected tissues of a key antioxidant.

  7. Pulling antioxidants starves cancers

    Realizing that many cancers depend on antioxidants for their survival, researchers have successfully designed a dietary strategy that suppresses breast cancer growth and spread, at least in animals.

  8. Cigarette smoke worsens heart attacks

    Breathing in smoke from another person's cigarette causes blood changes that reduce the likelihood that an individual will survive a heart attack.

  9. Math

    Circle Game

    Packing circles within a circle turns a mathematical surprise.

  10. 18928

    I’ve often wondered about packing circles and have always assumed that it would get into messy numbers very quickly. Your article is a charming revelation. It says that if a, b, and c are integers, d will be one, too. I think this is true only if a, b, and c bear some relationship to […]

  11. From the April 18, 1931, issue

    STABILIZER REDUCES ROLLING ON ROUGHEST SEAS Even during the stormiest weather there should be no sea-sick passengers on the vessel that will carry in her hold the 120-ton gyro-stabilizer pictured on the front cover of this weeks SCIENCE NEWS LETTER. The photograph shows the stabilizer on test in the South Philadelphia Works of the Westinghouse […]

  12. Astronomy

    Eye on the Universe

    For more than a decade, the Hubble Space Telescope has provided astronomers with astonishing views of the universe. This week, the Exploratorium in San Francisco hosts a series of Webcasts from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore to present a behind-the-scenes peek at how the space telescope is managed. Also check out several collections […]
