
  1. 18949

    With reference to the opinion that hemophiliacs might have expected to feel better and been less likely to treat themselves for internal bleeding following a form of gene therapy, I can only object to the suggestion that hemophiliacs can feel-better themselves out of an internal bleed. As a mother and grandmother of hemophiliacs who coped […]

  2. Health & Medicine

    Genetically altered cells ease hemophilia

    A gene therapy using skin cells that are genetically modified to make clotting proteins, multiplied in a lab, and reinjected into a person eases some bleeding in patients with severe hemophilia.

  3. Endangered condors lay first eggs in wild

    A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist has spied a trio of California condors, released to the wild from captive-breeding programs sometime over the past 6 years, attending a pair of eggs.

  4. 18948

    The interesting article “Survey probes cosmos from near to far” set me to tilting at windmills. Even before it’s completed, the professional astronomers managing the Sloan Digital Sky Survey should enlist amateur astronomers as asteroid hunters in a way similar to how they’re mobilized by the SETI@home project to search for intelligent signals from space. […]

  5. Astronomy

    Survey Probes Cosmos from Near to Far

    Early reports from the most mammoth sky surveys ever conducted are yielding a trove of findings, including the two most distant quasars known in the universe, new knowledge about the large-scale clumping of galaxies, and more evidence about the size and distribution of asteroids in our solar system.

  6. Math

    Möbius Accordion

    Artist Susan Happersett of Jersey City, N.J., has come up with a novel twist on the venerable Möbius strip: a playful, eye-catching creation she describes as a Möbius accordion. Happersett Accordion Susan Happersett Thirteen Original Colonies. Susan Happersett Happersett Accordion Susan Happersett A Möbius strip, or band, is the remarkable one-sided surface that results from […]

  7. Physics

    Pitching Science

    A new computer model of baseball pitching helps give pitching robots humanlike abilities and may have enabled engineers to solve a half-century-old puzzle of baseball science.

  8. Cardinal girls learn faster than boys

    A female cardinal learns about as many songs as a male but in one-third the time.

  9. Flush-pursuers fake out fleeing prey

    Birds that advertise their presence to potential prey may improve their chances of catching a meal.

  10. Health & Medicine

    New guidelines would cut cholesterol

    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has developed new guidelines for physicians that could triple the number of people taking cholesterol-lowering medication.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Angiostatin testing in people begins

    Angiostatin, a drug that cured cancer in mice, appears safe to use in preliminary tests on people with cancer.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Malaria prevention works in Tanzania

    Giving infants intermittent doses of antimalarial drugs during their first year prevents serious illness in most cases and doesn't leave them susceptible to harsh disease in their second year.
