
  1. Animals

    Magnetic field tells nightingales to binge

    Young birds that have never migrated before may take a cue from the magnetic field to fatten up before trying to fly over the Sahara.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Even high-normal blood pressure is too high

    Blood pressure at the high end of what is defined as the normal range is closer to "high" than to "normal" in terms of risk of associated heart disease.

  3. Astronomy

    X-ray study: Energy from a black hole?

    Astronomers claim that for the first time, they've observed energy extracted from a black hole, or more precisely, from the tornadolike swirl of surrounding space that a spinning black hole drags along with it.

  4. Disabilities develop as family affair

    A long-term study uncovered family factors that influence the mental development of children with biologically based disabilities, as well as evidence of increasing stress among parents as their kids with disabilities approach adolescence.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Puffer Fish Genomes Swim into View

    The tightly packed genomes of two puffer fish species have been deciphered.

  6. Earth

    How polluted is a preschooler’s world?

    Preliminary data from a new study show that children may ingest traces of atrazine, a common herbicide, in their drinking water.

  7. Earth

    Kitchen tap may offer drugs and more

    Excreted drugs and household chemicals are making their way through community waste-treatment and drinking-water plants.

  8. Earth

    Composting cuts manure’s toxic legacy

    Composting manure reduces its testosterone and estrogen concentrations, limiting the runoff of these hormones, which can harm wildlife.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Brain Food

    New food labeling will identify foods rich in choline, a nutrient that plays an integral role in learning and brain health.

  10. 19039

    For a few unfortunate people, choline has a dark side. An inborn error of metabolism, trimethylaminurea, causes them to smell like rotting fish when they eat high-choline foods. Sara D. Brown Clinton, N.J. Good point. New labeling that identifies foods rich in choline should help people with trimethylaminurea avoid those foods. –J. Raloff As a […]

  11. Tech

    Curve on golf club sends ball straight

    Although the curved faces of golf clubs called drivers blast balls sideways, their convex design works just right to compensate for other effects tending to make balls veer off the fairway, new calculations show.

  12. Tech

    Cooling film tempers tiny hot spots

    Shattering a 40-year-old performance limit, a new layered, semiconductor material promises to spur wider use of so-called thermoelectric devices that cool or heat electrically and can convert heat to electric power.
