Health & Medicine
Cholesterol enables nerve cells to connect
Neurons form connections with each other using cholesterol supplied by other brain cells called glia.
By John Travis -
EPA switchback on arsenic
On Oct. 31, the Environmental Protection Agency rescinded its March decision to rescind a proposed tougher limit on arsenic in drinking water and is now planning to implement the tougher limit of 10 parts per billion in 2006.
By Janet Raloff -
Cancer risk linked to night shifts
Women who work the graveyard shift increase their chance of developing breast cancer, perhaps because of chronic suppression of melatonin.
By Janet Raloff -
Foam gets its shot at anthrax
A recently developed chemical cocktail that kills anthrax spores and breaks down chemical warfare agents and anthrax has received its first real- world trials in anthrax cleanups.
New sensor can ID dangerous bacteria
When newly created organic molecules, called TWTCPs, are attached to a porous silicon wafer and exposed to a certain class of bacterium, the wafer changes color.
Leonardo’s Bridge
In 1502, Leonardo da Vinci made a simple drawing of a great, 240-meter bridge that was to span an inlet at the mouth of the Bosporus River in what is now Turkey. The bridge was never built, but Leonardo’s design has been reproduced in a wooden bridge for pedestrians over a highway in Norway. Artist […]
By Science News -
Health & Medicine
The Science of Secretin
The discovery that a gut hormone also exists in the brain may shed light on the origins of autism.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
Reducing blood pressure in the lungs
A new drug seems to help reduce abnormally high blood pressure in the lungs, a condition that can trigger heart failure.
Health & Medicine
Seizures and reproductive ills linked
Abnormal electrical signaling in the brains of women with epilepsy may alter sex hormone cycling and explain why epileptic women seem to have a higher rate of reproductive disorders than do other women.
When ground squirrels cry badger
Richardson's ground squirrels respond differently to alarm calls depending on whether the caller has a history of false alarms.
By Susan Milius -
Desert beetle catches fog on its back
The bumpy back of a desert beetle has inspired a design for collecting water from fog.
By Susan Milius -
Online Bidding Tips
The auction Web site known as eBay has become a vast marketplace, bringing together buyers and sellers of all sorts of goods. It has also become a handy laboratory for testing ideas in economics about markets and prices. In general, auctions ought to serve as an efficient mechanism for setting prices. Consequently, you would expect […]