
  1. Health & Medicine

    Human-cloning claim creates controversy

    A biotech company has begun cloning human embryos.

  2. Astronomy

    Craft Probes Alien Planet’s Atmosphere

    Astronomers have for the first time detected the atmosphere of a planet that lies well beyond the solar system.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Kawasaki patients show coronary calcium

    The heart attack risk associated with Kawasaki disease, a childhood inflammatory disease that can cause aneurysms, may stem from calcium build-up in coronary arteries.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Light blow to chest can be fatal

    A light blow to the heart can cause cardiac arrest, even when the blow isn't hard enough to cause injury.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Statins, yes; antioxidants, no

    Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins improves the health outlook for patients at risk of heart attack even when these patients aren't considered obvious candidates to receive the treatment.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Cuff therapy boosts growth factor

    Cuffs that squeeze the legs of heart patients may relieve angina by boosting growth factors, which help build new blood vessels needed to nourish oxygen-starved heart muscle.

  7. It smells yellow to me

    The colors associated with a smell can influence the brain's perception of the odor.

  8. Babies babble in just the right way

    Infants babble out of the right side of their mouths, suggesting that the infantile sounds are more than noise.

  9. Animals

    The Tropical Majority

    The abundant studies of temperate-zone birds may have biased ornithology when it comes to understanding the tropics.

  10. 19043

    The article was disappointing on two grounds. First, it was poorly researched, quoting numerous lawyers for farming interests opposed to the Endangered Species Act. Second, it failed to note that most of the growing need for water (as well as virtually all other resources) is closely linked to human population growth that is out of […]

  11. Earth

    Tough Choices

    Federal programs to preserve water in streams during droughts have prompted lawsuits and new pressures on endangered species and the law that protects them.

  12. Sky Survey

    The SkyServer provides public access to Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. Learn more about the SDSS project, which aims to map the universe, and browse images and spectra of celestial objects. Take a look at the atlas of “famous places” in the sky. Go to: http://skyserver.sdss.org/.
