Health & Medicine
New epilepsy drug is possible
A drug mimicking a natural substance in the brain may offer a new therapy for epilepsy.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
Antibiotic now tackles Parkinson’s
A well-known antibiotic may slow the brain-cell death that causes Parkinson's disease.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
A spice takes on Alzheimer’s disease
Curcumin, a spice used in yellow curry, may thwart Alzheimer's disease.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
Drugs tested for Lou Gehrig’s disease
Two drugs, one for cancer and one for arthritis, may be effective treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
By John Travis -
Live from Antarctica
Mixing live Webcasts with interactive presentations, San Francisco’s Exploratorium documents a journey to Antarctica. Team members interview scientists, dive and film underwater, climb a volcano, and visit a vast frigid desert. The Web site also features reference material on a variety of topics, including how fish adapt to icy waters, and views of the continent’s […]
By Science News -
Knot Possible
Knot theorists are getting closer to their goal of developing practical procedures for distinguishing knotted curves from unknotted ones.
From the December 5, 1931, issue
PROTECTION EXTENDED NEARLY EXTINCT TEDDY BEARS Koalas, known colloquially in Australia as native bears, real, live teddy bears in soft, plushlike fur, have lately become the objects of special solicitude, both official and private, in the far island-continent that is their home. For several generations nobody paid any more attention to them than Americans pay […]
By Science News -
Fishy data hid decline in global catch
Many coastal fisheries are in trouble, yet according to figures reported to the United Nations, the annual global yield has appeared to be stable or even growing.
By Ben Harder -
Move over, Leo. Give me more elbow room
The average size of the largest land animals on each of 25 oceanic islands and five continents strongly depends on the land area there.
By Sid Perkins -
Transgenes migrate into old races of maize
Genes from bioengineered corn have somehow strayed into the traditional varieties of southern Mexico.
By Susan Milius -
Dried-up California lake gets muddy facial
A new dust-abatement program is transforming the nation's biggest source of respirable dust into a sea of nonpolluting mud.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Protein fragment halts type I diabetes
A new protein-based drug injected into people just starting to show signs of diabetes halts the disease.
By Nathan Seppa