
  1. Brains in Dreamland

    Sigmund Freud's century-old dream theory gets a contrasting reception from two current neuroscientific accounts of how and why the brain generates dreams.

  2. Nursing moms face meds dilemma

    A research review yields a little advice and a lot of uncertainty for nursing mothers with mental disorders who may expose their babies to potential dangers if they take prescribed psychoactive drugs.

  3. Medicinal mirth gets research rebuke

    Little scientific evidence to date supports any of the purported physical health benefits of laughter and humor, a psychologist concludes.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Chemotherapy leads to bone loss

    In women with early-stage breast cancer, malfunctioning ovaries and significant bone loss can occur within 6 months of chemotherapy treatment.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Inflammation linked to diabetes

    Women who go on to develop diabetes seem to have signs of widespread, low-level inflammation years before they have symptoms of the disease.

  6. From the August 8, 1931 issue

    TWO ARISTOCRATIC LADIES EMERGE FROM RETIREMENT There is something about newly-emerged silkworm moths that makes one think of the ladies of Cathay or Cipangu, long ago and far away, clothed in silk spun by ancestors of todays silk worms. In the cover picture of this weeks Science News Letter, Cornelia Clarke has made an admirable […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Ancient Estrogen

    A jawless fish ancestor may have revealed the most ancient of hormones and how current hormones evolved from it.

  8. 18963

    I was distressed to read that Science News thinks there are no steroid hormone receptors in insects. Granted, their reproduction is not regulated by steroids, but ecdysone, the molting hormone, is certainly a steroid. There is some evidence that juvenile hormone, the hormone that regulates development and sometimes reproduction, acts through a steroidlike-receptor pathway. Other […]

  9. Astronomy

    Anybody Out There?

    This elaborate Web site brings together a wide variety of resources devoted to the question of life in the universe. Mounted by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and other European agencies, the site serves as home base for a competition aimed at eliciting responses from European students to the possibility of extraterrestrial life. […]

  10. Ecosystems

    Fish stocking may transmit toad disease

    Hatchery-raised trout can transfer a deadly fungus to western toads, bolstering the view that fish stocking may play a role in amphibian population declines.

  11. Paleontology

    Neandertals, humans may have grown apart

    A controversial fossil analysis finds that the skulls of Neandertals and humans grew in markedly different ways.

  12. Animals

    Roach gals get less choosy as time goes by

    As their first reproductive peak wanes, female cockroaches become more like male ones, willing to mate with any potential partner that moves.
