
  1. Paleontology

    How did Triceratops grow its horns?

    Newly discovered fossil skulls of juvenile Triceratops may help reveal how the dinosaurs grew their three trademark horns.

  2. Paleontology

    Fossils found under tons of Kitty Litter

    Excavations at North America's largest Kitter Litter mine have yielded fossils of ancient aquatic reptiles, as well as evidence of a tsunami generated by the extraterrestrial impact that killed off the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Pregnancy spurs a tumor suppressor

    Pregnancy hormones may prime breast cells to maintain a supply of p53, a cancer suppressor protein, thus accounting for why women who have undergone pregnancy generally have a lower breast cancer risk than do others.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Hormone wards off immune cells in womb

    A hormone known for its involvement in the brain's response to stress also plays a key role in shielding the developing embryo from its mother's immune system.

  5. Health & Medicine

    AMA: Drugs are for anthrax, not fear

    Doctors should not use antibiotics prophylactically against anthrax unless there is good reason to believe the individual had encountered the germs directly, the American Medical Association advises.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Retail meats host drug-resistant bacteria

    Three studies appear to tie livestock growth promoters to risk of serious human disease.

  7. Earth

    Lowland tree loss threatens cloud forests

    Changes in regional climate brought about by large-scale deforestation in the eastern lowlands of Central America are affecting weather in the mountains downwind, imperiling ecosystems there.

  8. Paleontology

    Lemurs reveal clues to ancient Asian roots

    A diminutive lemur species inhabited what is now central Pakistan about 30 million years ago, a new fossil find suggests.

  9. Chemistry

    Nobel recognizes three for handy chemistry

    The 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry honors research that led to new chemicals, materials, and drugs, including widely used heart medicines.

  10. Ecosystems

    Another World Hides inside Coral Reefs

    The first systematic survey of crevices inside Red Sea reefs reveals abundant filter feeders that may capture significant nutrients for the reef.

  11. From the October 17, 1931, issue

    MATERNAL CARES MULTIPLY WITH COMING OF COLD Winter has breathed a hint of its coming already, in puffs of frosty air that make us forget the heat of summer that is gone, even of the unseasonable hot spell of early September. But the coming of the cold bodes only ill for the cold-blooded creatures of […]

  12. Celebrating Mole Day

    Ready to party? If you’re familiar with Avogadro’s number, 6.02 x 1023, you can join the celebration of Mole Day on Oct. 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. Check out the Web site of the National Mole Day Foundation for a history of this event and other tidbits from the not-so-furry realm of chemistry, […]
