
  1. The moon also rises—and assumes new sizes

    The perplexing human tendency to perceive a moon on the horizon as larger than an elevated moon may arise from visual cues indicating that the horizon moon is located much farther away.

  2. 19011

    I was surprised to learn that scientists have yet to solve the secret of why the moon looks larger when rising. Years ago, I was told by a teacher that the moon looks biggest when rising (or setting) because the observer is looking through more atmosphere, and thus its light is scattered more, changing its […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Glutamate glut linked to multiple sclerosis

    The chemical glutamate can overwhelm nervous-system cells called oligodendrocytes, adding to the nerve damage caused by wayward immune cells in multiple sclerosis.

  4. Physics

    Electrical superball pulls itself together

    A strong electric field can drive tiny particles of a superconductor to bind themselves together into a remarkably sturdy ball.

  5. Blood cues sex choice for parasites

    Malaria parasites shift their female-biased production of offspring toward a more evenly balanced sex ratio as an infection proceeds.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Learning from leprosy’s nerve damage

    The bacterium that causes leprosy directly damages a protective sheathing around many nerve cells.

  7. 19010

    This article describes the myelin sheath as “made of protein.” However, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (online) provides the following definition of myelin: “a soft white somewhat fatty material …” (emphasis added). Ann M. ThrockmortonLa Mesa, Calif. That’s right. There was an oversimplification in the story. Myelin is made up mostly of lipids .–D. Christensen

  8. Ecosystems

    Famine reveals incredible shrinking iguanas

    Marine iguanas in the Galápagos Islands are the first vertebrates known to reduce their size during a food shortage and then regrow to their original body lengths.

  9. 19009

    I am puzzled at the great concern over the problem of mercury thermometers, as noted in this article. I grant that mercury is a hazard, and I am glad that mercury thermometers are disappearing. But I would think that fluorescent light bulbs are a far more pervasive problem. They also contain a small amount of […]

  10. Environment

    Old thermometers pose new problems

    Though health groups advocate getting mercury thermometers out of the home, obtaining sound advice on how to dispose of the thermometers can be problematic.

  11. Earth

    Algae Turn Fish into a Lethal Lunch

    Scientists demonstrated that some marine mammals have died from eating fish tainted with a neurotoxic diatom.

  12. Earth

    Most oil enters sea from nonaccidents

    Nearly all of the oil entering the marine environment traces not to accidents but to natural seeps and human activities where releases are intentional.
