
  1. 19059

    Ian Gotlib doesn’t disprove “clinical lore” that depressed individuals often cry. People who are depressed typically become preoccupied with their faults and shortcomings and less interested in the world, much less compassionate for others. That the study described finds that some people who are depressed do not cry in response to another’s sad situation doesn’t […]

  2. All Cried Out: Major depression puts lid on tears

    A new study suggests that depressed individuals cry no more often in response to a sad situation than nondepressed people do.

  3. 19001

    I am deeply disturbed by the research involving manipulation of a rat’s brain to remotely control its behavior. Why does this article mention the researchers’ qualms about possible danger to the animal in entering risky situations but not the danger to the integrity of what we consider its conscious life? Ruth HousmanNewton Center, Mass.

  4. Rescue Rat: Could wired rodents save the day?

    Researchers have wired a rat's brain so that someone at a laptop computer can steer the animal through mazes and over rubble.

  5. Paleontology

    Ancient Whodunit: Scientists indict wee suspects in ancient deaths

    Evidence locked in 180,000-year-old sediments suggests that a toxic algae bloom was the cause of death for a large group of mammals that were fossilized intact on an ancient lake bottom.

  6. Small Wonder: Microbial hitchhiker has few genes

    Scientists have identified a microbe with remarkably few genes living on another microbe on the ocean floor.

  7. Earth

    In case of temblor, run downhill

    Computer models of the ground motions measured on a shallow hill during an earthquake suggest that, in certain circumstances, the ground movements could be magnified by as much as 10 times those measured on flat areas nearby.

  8. Humans

    In USSR, generals did it by the numbers

    A statistical analysis of the dates and times of Soviet underground nuclear tests suggests that the favorite numbers of the test-site commander may have had a significant influence upon the precise timing of the detonations.

  9. Earth

    Monitors get weird vibes from Antarctic

    In late 2000, seismometers on islands in the South Pacific picked up vibrations that were eventually traced to a large iceberg drifting in the Ross Sea north of Antarctica.

  10. Brain keeps tabs on arbitrary patterns

    Several parts of the frontal brain cooperatively identify apparent regularities in random sequences of events and detect breaks in those patterns.

  11. Earth

    Symbionts affect coral’s chemistry

    The presence of symbiotic organisms in the tiny animals that build coral reefs changes the rates at which the animals take in minerals from the water, a finding that may affect the results of many research projects that have used chemical analyses of coral remains to infer past sea-surface temperatures.

  12. Astronomy

    Elliptical duet rides the Kuiper belt

    Follow-up observations of an icy object in the Kuiper belt and its moon reveal that the two bodies revolve about each other in the most elongated orbit of any pair of objects in the solar system.
