Health & Medicine
Cell mixture attacks pancreas tumors
White blood cells injected into patients with pancreatic tumors incite an immune response that blunts the cancer in some patients and extends survival.
By Nathan Seppa -
Lady-killing genes offer pest control
Two new fruit fly lines—with females that die on cue—could lead to changes in pest control.
By Susan Milius -
Stepping Beyond Fibonacci Numbers
Trying variants of a simple mathematical rule that yields interesting results can lead to additional discoveries and curiosities. The numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and 55 belong to a famous sequence named for the Italian mathematician Fibonacci, who lived more than 700 years ago. Each consecutive number is the sum […]
Stepping Beyond Fibonacci Numbers
Trying variants of a simple mathematical rule that yields interesting results can lead to additional discoveries and curiosities. The numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and 55 belong to a famous sequence named for the Italian mathematician Fibonacci, who lived more than 700 years ago. Each consecutive number is the sum […]
Health & Medicine
Are varsity athletes prone to ALS?
A survey of patients treated for neurological problems reveals that those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease) are more likely to have been varsity athletes and remained slim all their lives.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Surgery beats splints for wrist syndrome
Surgery proves better than nighttime splints for relieving the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.
By Nathan Seppa -
This article implies there are only three options for carpal tunnel syndrome: medicine, wrist splints, or surgery. I’ve had virtually complete relief from a fourth option suggested by a physician: exercise to widen the carpal tunnel. I know of yet another treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: a shot of cortisone in each wrist. That worked […]
By Science News -
Liquid Logic: Tiny plumbing networks concoct and compute
By incorporating thousands of simple valves into microscopic networks of rubbery pipes and chambers, scientists have created fluid-manipulating microchips of unprecedented power.
By Peter Weiss -
Health & Medicine
Sideways Glance: Training helps people circumvent failing sight
Researchers have developed a rehabilitation regime that may enable many elderly people with age-related macular degeneration to improve their vision.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Another Polio? Alarming West Nile fever risks emerge
Medical workers have found poliolike symptoms in a few victims of West Nile fever, and federal officials noted that blood transfusions appear to have infected some people.
By John Pickrell and Janet Raloff -
These associations between fungi and parasitic plants also exist in North America. These include plants in the wintergreen family, such as Indian pipe, pinesap, and sweet pinesap. A common fungus associated with these plants is an Ascomycete that forms a subterranean structure commonly called a deer truffle. There is also a small genus of orchids, […]
By Science News -
Underground Hijinks: Thieving plants hack into biggest fungal network
For the first time, plants have been caught tapping into the most widespread of soil fungi networks and using it to steal food from green plants.
By Susan Milius