
  1. Materials Science

    These colorful butterflies were created using transparent ink

    See-through printer ink can create a whole spectrum of colors when printed in precise, microscale patterns.

  2. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, scientists found a link between aspirin use and pregnancy complications

    Scientists are still learning about the risks and benefits of taking aspirin at each stage of pregnancy.

  3. Paleontology

    This is the oldest fossil evidence of spider moms taking care of their young

    A spider trapped in amber 99 million years ago guarded her eggs and may have helped raise her young.

  4. Climate

    ‘Ice Rivers’ invites you to get to know our world’s melting glaciers

    In her new book, Jemma Wadham brings readers along on her scientific expeditions to the world’s iciest places.

  5. Climate

    Rice feeds half the world. Climate change’s droughts and floods put it at risk

    Rice provides sustenance for billions who have no alternative, and climate change threatens to slash production. Growers will need to innovate to provide an important crop as climate whiplash brings drought and floods to fields worldwide.

  6. Anthropology

    ‘Ghost tracks’ suggest people came to the Americas earlier than once thought

    Prehistoric people’s footprints show that humans were in North America during the height of the last ice age, researchers say.

  7. Animals

    Bloodthirsty vampire bats like to drink with friends over strangers

    Cooperation among vampire bats extends beyond the roost. New research suggests that bonded bats often drink blood from animals together.

  8. Genetics

    DNA offers a new look at how Polynesia was settled

    Modern genetic evidence suggests that statue builders on islands such as Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island, had a shared ancestry.

  9. Physics

    Whirling maple seeds inspired these tiny flying sensors

    Scientists envision that small objects modeled after maple tree whirligigs could be used to monitor the environment.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Why only some people will get COVID-19 booster shots at first

    In the United States, boosters may next go to people 65 and older, those at high risk for severe disease and people whose jobs put them at high exposure risk.

  11. Chemistry

    Luis Miramontes helped enable the sexual revolution. Why isn’t he better known?

    By synthesizing norethindrone, one of the first active ingredients in birth control pills, Luis Miramontes helped usher in the sexual revolution.

  12. Quantum Physics

    One of nature’s key constants is much larger in a quantum material

    The fine-structure constant is 10 times its normal value in the material, giving a peek into what physics in an alternate universe could look like.
