
  1. Tech

    Tiny device brings out the best in sperm

    A new device with potential use in fertility treatments separates robust sperm from stragglers by exploiting a phenomenon that occurs when two microscale fluid flows merge.

  2. Earth

    Satellites unravel a spot of mystery

    Five satellites that happened to be in the right places at the right time may have confirmed the cause of proton auroral spots, aurora-like phenomena that appear high in Earth's atmosphere.

  3. Toddlers ride rail to tool use

    Toddlers' ability to modify their use of a handrail as they walk across a narrow bridge represents an early example of tool use, according to two psychologists.

  4. Astronomy

    Galactic RAVE

    A new study of thousands of Milky Way stars and their motion toward and away from Earth should provide new clues about how our galaxy formed.

  5. 19252

    Your article says that Robert R. Leben of the University of Colorado operates a Web site that monitors the positions of Gulf of Mexico eddies, but it doesn’t give the Web site. It would be most valuable to the millions of us who live along the gulf. Roy P. FinneyWeeki Wachee, Fla. Two sites you […]

  6. Earth

    Oceans Aswirl

    Whirls of ocean water up to hundreds of kilometers across create biological oases, transport heat from tropical climes to cooler latitudes, and affect everything from offshore oil platforms to long-distance yacht races.

  7. Humans

    From the June 10, 1933, issue

    BRAINLIKE STALAGMITES FOUND IN MARYLAND CAVE Stalagmite deposits shaped like human brains have been found on the floor of a newly discovered cave in Mount Etna, near Beaver Creek, Md., about 60 miles from Washington. James H. Benn of the Smithsonian Institution staff, who was detailed to make a geological investigation, brought one of them […]

  8. Firefly Alight

    The Firefly Files Web site is dedicated to “the sparks of bioluminescent light that inspire awe and wonder around the earth.” Developed by the Museum of Biological Diversity at Ohio State University, this site provides a variety of information about fireflies, from where they live to how they glow. Go to: http://iris.biosci.ohio-state.edu/projects/FFiles/top.html

  9. Math

    If It Looks Like a Sphere…

    A Russian mathematician has proposed a proof of the Poincaré conjecture, a question about the shapes of three-dimensional spaces.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Cancer Advance: Treatment combinations stall colorectal cancer

    Two experimental drugs can induce remission in colorectal cancer patients and extend their survival.

  11. Animals

    Skin Scam: Parasite’s host provides an insect hideaway

    A group of parasitic insects called Strepsiptera can hide inside their victim by making the host form a protective bag of its own skin.

  12. Babble Rousers: Babies find their voice when given social push

    Eight-month-old infants utter more complex, speechlike sounds when their mothers encourage them with well-timed touches and smiles rather than with words offered as models to imitate.
