
  1. Health & Medicine

    Target: Celiac Disease

    With the aim of releasing people with celiac disease from a strict, lifelong diet that lacks the wheat protein gluten, researchers are working to identify molecular targets that could block the disease’s hallmark, the degeneration of the lining of the small intestine.

  2. Tech

    Making machines from genes

    A novel machine made from DNA also uses DNA as its fuel.

  3. Tech

    Coddled crystal slams door on light

    A better fabrication process yields such a high-quality optical material that microchips using light, rather than electrons, may be close to reality.

  4. Humans

    Russia’s nuclear-safety issues spread

    A leading Russian environmentalist, Aleksandr Nikitin, says Russia's problems with nuclear-waste management should concern people beyond that country's borders.

  5. Humans

    Cutting edge chemistry rushes online

    A new online server offers a place for communicating chemistry research to other scientists quickly and without peer review.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Do zinc lozenges shorten common colds?

    People taking zinc to fight a cold report less coughing, less nasal discharge, and a shorter cold than do people getting a placebo.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Coffee linked to rheumatoid arthritis

    People who drink four or more cups of coffee per day appear more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis than are those drinking less.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Data faked in immune-system study

    A researcher fabricated evidence suggesting that never-before-seen RNA-DNA-hybrid molecules play a role in creating antibodies.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Sperm just say NO to egg cells

    Sperm fertilizing an egg produce a whiff of nitric oxide.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Marrow converted into brain cells

    Scientists can now efficiently transform bone marrow into nerve cells.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Transplanted Hopes

    Islet-cell success may bring a diabetes cure closer.

  12. 19326

    As a regular platelet-aphaeresis donor, I was alarmed by your article. I would be very curious to know if the standard tubing and centrifuge harness used for aphaeresis contain DEHP. During an aphaeresis session, roughly half the blood of the donor passes through a centrifuge to be relieved of platelets before being returned to the […]
