
  1. 19332

    In response to your article, I suggest that at least some inner-city boys are tripped up by violence around them as much as are the girls discussed in the article. Even though women experience shame about mental illness or intense emotional disturbance, it’s socially OK to be a woman and have an anxiety illness. It’s […]

  2. Traumas trip up inner-city girls

    Inner-city teenage girls may often experience a severe stress reaction that makes it more difficult for them to succeed in school.

  3. Astronomy

    A new receiver for alien broadcasts

    A $12.5 million grant will help build the world's largest telescope designed to search for radio broadcasts from alien civilizations.

  4. Astronomy

    Taking a census of brown dwarfs

    Researchers have completed the most thorough census to date of brown dwarfs in stellar clusters and have confirmed earlier findings about these failed stars.

  5. Down the Tubes: Amino acid proves key to plant reproduction

    An amino acid that human brain cells communicate with also has a role in plant sex.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Metal’s Mayhem: Cadmium mimics estrogen’s effects, thwarts DNA repair

    Cadmium causes endocrine disruption by mimicking estrogen in rats and also thwarts routine DNA repair, causing mutations, two studies show.

  7. Materials Science

    Tiny Labs: Polymers on silicon chip catch, release proteins

    In a step toward a new laboratory-on-a-chip technology, researchers have grown a dense polymer film on a silicon wafer that takes up and releases proteins on command.

  8. Animals

    City Song: Birds sing higher near urban traffic

    Birds in noisier city spots tend to sing at a higher pitch than do members of the same species in quieter neighborhoods.

  9. Earth

    Protective Blanket: Atmosphere blocks many small stony asteroids

    A new computer model that more realistically simulates the aerodynamic forces on an object as it passes through Earth’s atmosphere suggests that the thin layer of air is an even better shield than previously thought.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Split Ends: Cancers follow shrinkage of chromosomes’ tips

    Genetic tabs called telomeres, which normally protect the ends of chromosomes, become undersized in many tissues that later turn cancerous, new studies in people show.

  11. 19263

    I suspect that none of the researchers whose work was described in this article was ever a teenage girl with an absent (or distant) father. I think the simplest explanation is that the girls are looking for male affection and protection, which they can’t get any other way. Most of these girls just want to […]

  12. Where’s Poppa? Absent dads linked to early sex by daughters

    Long-term studies conducted in the United States and New Zealand indicate that girls are particularly likely to engage in sexual activity before age 16 and to get pregnant as teenagers if they grew up in families without a father present.
