
  1. Physics

    Gluing building blocks with geometry

    Using blocks with simple shapes, researchers have found ways to construct strong panels with no fasteners securing most of the blocks.

  2. 19037

    The new technology sounds great, but I am concerned about the food wrap described, given that my husband, among others, is acutely allergic to shellfish. If Yasa-sheet is, indeed, made from a crab-shell derivative, won’t it cause an allergic reaction? Lee DaneRidge Spring, S.C.

  3. Materials Science

    Layered Approach

    A decade-old method for creating thin coatings is poised to move from the lab to countless low- and high-tech products.

  4. Plants

    Emergency Gardening

    High-tech tissue culture is helping some ultrarare plants finally have sprouts of their own.

  5. 18895

    As a plodder without the turbo gene I can appreciate those fortunate enough to have it. I would direct the researchers to two other groups of track and field participants: discus throwers and shot putters. I was a thrower in the 1960s, and through the 1970s and 1980s, I was a meet official for these […]

  6. Turbo Gene: Getting a speed boost from DNA

    A gene known as ACTN3 may influence whether athletes are better suited to sprinting or to endurance running.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Transplant Hope: New thymus tissue jump-starts immune system in babies

    A thymus tissue transplant enables babies born with DiGeorge syndrome to develop functional immune systems.

  8. Materials Science

    Worm’s Jaws Show Mettle: Zinc links may inspire new materials

    New analyses of the jaws of marine worms may lead scientists to better ways of making synthetic materials.

  9. Untangling the Brain: Enzyme counters Alzheimer’s-like snarls

    The enzyme Pin1 prevents brain cells from developing harmful protein deposits called tangles.

  10. Physics

    Fast Findings on Fluid Frenzy: Taking turbulence models to a new level

    A new way to simulate turbulence by including some of the microscopic, molecular properties of fluids is influencing automobile design and may soon affect many other fields.

  11. Earth

    Extracting Estrogens: Modern treatment plants strip hormone from sewage

    New research helps explain why state-of-the-art sewage treatment facilities are more effective than conventional plants at removing certain sex hormones from sludge.

  12. 18893

    I thought your article was somewhat misleading. It referred to dark energy as a “substance,” which it’s probably not, that’s “ripping the cosmos apart,” although this phrase implies far more violence than has been attributed to dark energy. And you described the findings as “wrenching” when, in fact, they all correlate with and confirm the […]
