
  1. Computing

    Going to digital extremes

    A researcher designs the ultimate laptop, stretching the laws of physics to their limits to achieve blazing computation rates.

  2. Earth

    Bt corn pollen can hurt monarchs

    A second test of a strain of corn genetically engineered to make its own insecticide finds potential for harm to monarch butterfly caterpillars.

  3. Ecosystems

    Virtual skylarks suffer weed shortfall

    A new mathematical model raises the concern that switching to transgenic herbicide-tolerant crops could deprive birds of weed seeds.

  4. Archaeology

    Maya palace suddenly expands

    Archaeologists find a sprawling palace and other surprises at a 1,300-year-old Maya site in Guatemala.

  5. 19265

    Regarding this article, the challenge is how to increase the anomalous risk perceptions of white males. Their low risk perception may lead to higher use of cigarettes and other addictive drugs, lower use of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, driving at unsafe speeds and while intoxicated, poor eating practices, higher use of guns, and […]

  6. Risky Business

    The science of decision making grapples with sex, race, and power.

  7. 19334

    In your article about the use of kites for science, we are told that Antarctica is “[m]ore than half a world away from Kansas.” I know a shorter route. It’s a round, round world, after all! Marvin E. Kahn Darnestown, Md.

  8. Earth

    High-Flying Science, with Strings Attached

    In the hands of scientists, kites do serious data gathering.

  9. Humans

    Postdocs warrant more status and support

    A new study finds a pressing need to improve the pay and status of postdoctoral scholars.

  10. Earth

    Small quake shakes up hydrothermal vents

    Long-term, post-earthquake fluctuations in the temperature and volume of water spewing from hydrothermal vents off the coast of Washington state suggest that the fluid flow feeding such vents may be much more complex than previously thought.

  11. Tech

    Device ups hydrogen energy from sunlight

    A solar-electric cell that stands above an acid bath on electrode legs has converted light to hydrogen fuel with unprecedented efficiency.

  12. Moms and pups sniff out immune genes

    Genes involved in the immune system also create individualized body odors that allow parents and offspring to recognize each other.
