
  1. Math

    Running Lanes and Extra Steps

    When going out to your local running track for a workout, you sometimes find that you are allowed to use only certain lanes for training. On any looped track, however, the outer lanes are longer than the inner lanes. That presents a problem for someone using the track for speed workouts. A four-lane equal-quadrant running […]

  2. Physics

    Electric Foam: Scientists uncover basis of material oddball

    Specially treated polypropylene foam can mimic the defining behavior and other desirable properties of ceramic piezoelectric materials, which generate electric signals when squeezed.

  3. Tech

    Shining True: Marking original documents with a lick of gloss

    Scientists have a new way of making forgery-proof documents by using laser color printers to embed hologramlike images in a document’s glossy surface.

  4. Ecosystems

    Shark Serengeti: Ocean predators have diversity hot spots

    The first search for oceanic spots of exceptional diversity in predators has turned up marine versions of the teeming Serengeti plains.

  5. Anthropology

    New World Newcomers: Men’s DNA supports recent settlement of the Americas

    New data on genetic differences among the Y chromosomes of Asian and Native American men support the notion that people first reached the Americas less than 20,000 years ago.

  6. Paleontology

    Three Species No Moa? Fossil DNA analysis yields surprise

    Analyses of genetic material from the fossils of large flightless birds called moas suggest that three types of the extinct birds may not be separate species after all.

  7. 19266

    In your article, you state that the cloned foal Prometea is a genetic twin of her birth mother which contributed the nuclear DNA. This is not true, as twins have identical nuclear and mitochondrial genes. The cytoplasm of the cloned foal was obtained from a slaughtered horse. The cytoplasm, and therefore the mitochondrial genes, of […]

  8. Winning Bet: Horse and mule clones cross the finish line

    Scientists have for the first time cloned a mule and a horse.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Virus Shield: Ebola vaccine works fast in monkey test

    Tests on monkeys show that an experimental vaccine can build immunity against Ebola virus within a month, suggesting the vaccine might help contain outbreaks of the deadly pathogen.

  10. Computing

    Resistance leaps as magnetism mounts

    A tiny traffic island for electrons promises to serve as an extraordinarily sensitive detector of magnetic fields.

  11. 19335

    I have a real problem with the way that the so-called robot-designed robot is described in this article. I used to do large-scale manufacturing automation, and I consider what is being done a parlor trick. There are only two things that could be called “robotic” in the system: The computer-aided manufacturing machinery that built the […]

  12. Tech

    Robots making robots, with some help

    A new type of robotic system that designs and produces robotic offspring may represent a first step toward self-replicating "artificial life."
